FAQ and Troubleshooting

We kindly recommend checking this section before contacting our support team.

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning Power BI Connector for Jira Cloud. The most common technical issues can be also solved here.


Questions about Licenses


Questions about Installation and Administration


Questions about Permission and Access


Questions about Configuration and Use


Questions about Data Export


Additional Features and Support Requests

  • How can I request support if I have a problem?

If you have any problems or need assistance, please contact us in a convenient way:

Email us at: support@alpha-serve.com

Call us: +380980377286

 Create support request in Jira Service Management

Ask a question in the Atlassian Community (available to all signed-up users)

  • How can I submit a feature request?

We are always open to suggestions and feedback from customers and improve our application based on them. So if you have any suggestions for adding or improving features, please contact us: atlassian@alpha-serve.com.

  • Do you consider or implement feature customization?

Yes, we do. Being focused on a feedback-driven development, Alpha Serve is open to consider and potentially implement the features you need to maximize your Power BI Jira experience.

Please contact us and describe the task:

Our email  atlassian@alpha-serve.com

Scroll down to see the full list of FAQs


Inna Kashuba's Video - May 29, 2024.gif