Create Data source from existing Reports

Create Data source from existing Reports

Starting from Power BI Connector for ServiceNow version 1.4.1 new option - create data source New from Report was implemented.

The reports list is taken from the ServiceNow Reporting application:

The list of selected fields in a data source is taken from the file configuration of Report edit page, and can be checked from ServiceNow Reporting application:

The New from Report button is located on the Dashboard page and visible for ServiceNow Admin, PBI Admin and PBI Editor roles.

Click on a button will open Dialog with Reports list:

After Report is selected, the user will be navigated to a new Data Source page with pre-filled fields: Name, Description, Export config, Filter and selected only report fields:

Now the user only needs to save the data source and export it to Power BI.

In some cases, reports do not contain fields, so it’s required to select preferred ones. Otherwise, you will not be able to save the data source.

If needed, users can modify the Data Source (add more tables, rows limit, change filters, etc.). Changes will not be applied to existing Reports.

Please NOTE: Before export, users must check if all necessary permissions for data export are assigned. In case if not - the user will not be able to create Data Source:

The Save button is inactive (during data source creation) if:

  • no *Name and Export config is entered

  • no *Name or Export config is entered

  • no fields are selected from at least one table

The Save button is inactive (during data source editing) if:

  • data source open but no edits have been made (it becomes active only when at least one change is made, such as changes in fields: add, remove referenced fields, check-uncheck use display value etc.)

The Save button is inactive (during data source creation from Report) if:

  • selected report doesn’t contain any fields

The Save button is inactive if a user doesn’t have permission for a table (yellow message indicates it).

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