How to create custom email templates?
Jira Administrator can create own email templates for their specific business purposes. Mail Me users will be able to use them when sending emails.
To create custom email templates, please follow the next steps:
Step 1. Go to the Jira Administration tab and select Manage apps section.
Step 2. To manage custom templates click Templates tab on the left side menu.
Step 3. Click Add new template button.
You will be redirected to the “Add template” page.
Step 4. Create custom email templates by filling the fields.
You can use our prompts and descriptions:
Name - a required field, name of the template - it must be unique.
Example template - you can choose Jira’s default template as a basis and change it.
Context parameters - you can use it as a cheat sheet with the issue parameters
HTML Body Template - a required field, template content for HTML format email.
Text Body Template - a required field, template content for Text format email.
Save - saves the template and redirects you to the page with a list of templates.
Cancel - allows you to return to the previous page with a list of templates without saving.
Context parameters
In templates we use Velocity Template Language (VTL) to incorporate dynamic content in the email. You can use the following context parameters:
$issue | com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueImpl |
$outlookdate | com.atlassian.jira.web.util.OutlookDate |
$permissionCheck | com.atlassian.jira.web.bean.PermissionCheckBean |
$dateutils | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraVelocityUtils$DateUtils |
$featureManager | com.atlassian.jira.config.feature.DefaultFeatureManager |
$currentCalendar | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraVelocityUtils$LazyCalendar |
$soyRenderer | |
$dateFormatter | com.atlassian.jira.datetime.DateTimeFormatterImpl |
$authcontext | |
$rteEnabled | java.lang.Boolean |
$req | com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.PluginHttpRequestWrapper |
$projectManager | com.atlassian.jira.project.CachingProjectManager |
$customFieldManager | com.atlassian.jira.issue.managers.CachingCustomFieldManager |
$prioritySchemeManager | com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.config.manager.PrioritySchemeManagerImpl |
$jirautils | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUtils |
$userformat | com.atlassian.jira.plugin.userformat.DefaultUserFormatManager |
$constantsManager | com.atlassian.jira.config.DefaultConstantsManager |
$mailPluginsHelper | com.atlassian.jira.mail.JiraMailPluginsHelperImpl |
$webResourceManager | com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webresource.JiraWebResourceManagerImpl |
$avatarServiceHelper | com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarServiceHelper |
$jirakeyutils | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraKeyUtils |
$jiraUserUtils | com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserUtilImpl |
$userutils | com.atlassian.jira.user.UserUtils |
$build | com.atlassian.jira.util.BuildUtilsInfoImpl |
$textutils | com.opensymphony.util.TextUtils |
$applicationProperties | |
$avatarService | com.atlassian.jira.avatar.AvatarServiceImpl |
$urlModeAbsolute | com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.UrlMode |
$velocityhelper | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraVelocityHelper |
$currentMillis | java.lang.Long |
$urlcodec | com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraUrlCodec |
$keyboardShortcutManager | com.atlassian.jira.plugin.keyboardshortcut.CachingKeyboardShortcutManager |
$dateTimeStyle | |
$webResourceUrlProvider | com.atlassian.jira.plugin.webresource.JiraWebResourceUrlProvider |
$dates | com.atlassian.jira.datetime.DateVelocityUtils |
$dateTimes | com.atlassian.jira.datetime.DateTimeVelocityUtils |
$baseurl | java.lang.String |
$externalLinkUtil | com.atlassian.jira.web.util.ExternalLinkUtilImpl |
$requestContext | com.atlassian.jira.util.velocity.SimpleVelocityRequestContext |
$atl_token | java.lang.String |
$xmlutils | com.atlassian.core.util.XMLUtils |
$issueConstantWebComponent | com.atlassian.jira.web.component.IssueConstantWebComponent |
$cfValueEncoder | com.atlassian.jira.render.SwitchingEncoder |
$map | |