Server to Cloud Migration Documentation

Server to Cloud Migration Documentation

This documentation is dedicated to our customers who are considering moving their Jira core data from Data Center/Server to Cloud and is intended to give them information on migrating their app data.

Mail Me for Jira is available in Cloud. You can try it free at the Atlassian Marketplace or check the product documentation here.

At the moment Mail Me Cloud does not have the same capabilities that are present in Mail Me Server/Data Center.

This is explained by the general differences between the platforms (technical) and different user experiences (behavioral). 

There is no automated migration from server to cloud available at the moment. We are working hard on this. As this is a complicated process, it will take some time and will not be coming too soon.

Here the difference of Cloud and Server/Dc versions of Mail Me app:


not available

App Feature

Server / Data Center


App Feature

Server / Data Center


Customize the SMTP server for Mail Me connections

Set up SMTP server for Custom, Google, Yahoo, Office 365 mails

Set up SMTP server for Custom, Google, Yahoo, Office 365 mails

Enable/ disable Mail Me for particular project in Jira

For each project and for all

For each project and for all

Create custom email templates with context parameters

Edit template’s position

Set up Mail Me for different projects

Select default email template

Select default: email template, recipients, copy recipients, blind copy recipients

View Email logs

Details about sent emails, including author, issue, recipients' names, subject, attachments number, success status, date, message text and format, Issue and User attachment name(s)

Details about sent emails, including author, issue, recipients' names, subject, attachments number, success status, date, message text and format, Issue and User attachment name(s)

Choose a recipient from Jira users list

Send and comment issues/tasks by the email directly from Jirа

Attach any files directly or/ and include original attachments from the issue

Set recipients

internal Jira users, external emails, groups, issue roles (i.e. assignee)

Internal Jira users, external emails, groups, issue roles(i.e. assignee) and issue custom fields (user picker or group picker type)

Use the email preview

Edit an email before sending it

Add comment from email to the Jira issue

Add restricted comment from email to the Jira issue

Add attachments from email to the Jira issue

Copy/paste a bunch of recipients at once

Import recipients from a custom text field

Set up default settings

  • Enable/disable: editable preview, adding email comments to Jira by default, sending and adding Issue attachments by default, sending restricted comments by default

  • Select default: recipients, copy recipients, blind copy recipients

For user convenience, any of the above-mentioned settings can be changed by the user in each email independently

Use filters to find quickly needed parameter or to see only specific emails

By author, issue, text in subject, attachment name, text in body, time of sending, recipients, email format or status, project name or key, Mail Me status, project lead

By author, issue, text in subject, attachment name, text in body, time of sending, recipients, email format or status, project name or key, Mail Me status, project lead


Feel free to contact our support team if you need any kind of assistance using one of the following means:

Email us at: support@alpha-serve.com

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