Gmail as SMTP server

Gmail as SMTP server

Step 1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

Step 2. From the Admin console Home page, go to Security tab.

Step 3. Turn on access for third-party applications as shown in the screenshots.

Step 4. Set up the verification 2-step verification.

Step 5. On the "Signing into Google" panel, choose App Passwords.

If you don’t see this option:

  • 2-Step Verification is not set up for your account.

  • 2-Step Verification is set up for security keys only.

  • Your account is through work, school, or other organization.

  • You’ve turned on Advanced Protection for your account.

Step 6. Select the application and device you want to access (You can select ‘’other’’ and name it ‘’Mail Me’’).



Step 7. Copy the password, go back to the SMTP server configurations, and enter it in the ‘’Password field’’.



Step 8. Fill in the other fields on Add SMTP Mail Server page as described:

  1. Name - a required field, name of the SMTP server.

  2. Description - a required field, description of the SMTP server.

  3. From address - a required field, the default address which will be used for outbound mail.

  4. Email prefix - a required field, this prefix will be prepended to all outgoing email subjects.

  5. Service Provider - the field is displayed only on the server creation page. Choose Gmail server provider from the list.

  6. Username - username of your email account (example name@gmail.com).

  7. Password - password, generated in Steps 1 — 5.

  8. Test Connection - allows you to check the connection to the SMTP server. In case of an unsuccessful connection, an error message appears.

  9. Add - saves all data and creates Gmail server as configured.

  10. Cancel - allows you to return to the “Custom SMTP server” page without saving data.

Basic GMAIL configurations can be found on this page: Gmail configuration option.

To check your limits, please follow this page: Gmail email sending limits.


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