Password Generator

Password Generator

Vault Password Manager offers built-in password generator to help users create secure and random passwords. Password Generator is available for such types of credentials:

  • Login

  • Password

  • API Credential

  • Database

  • Wireless Router

  • Email Account

To access the password generator while adding or modifying a password entry, click the Generate button. It will open a password generation tab with an automatically generated password and options to adjust it.

Password generator configuration
Users can configure how the passwords are generated in the "Password generator" tab. These parameters can be configured:

Length: 8 by default. Use scroll to choose the password length
Numbers 0-9. Click on checkbox to include/exclude Numbers
Symbols -_:.;,<>|@#$%&/()=[]{}!?. Click on checkbox to include/exclude Symbols.


Once satisfied with the generated password, click Use this password to save it or Cancel to cancel password generation.