
We kindly recommend checking this section before contacting our support team.

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions concerning Tableau Connector for ServiceNow. The most common technical issues can also be solved here.



  • How do you protect customers’ data?

Tableau Connector for ServiceNow does not collect, store or share any customer data. All such data is stored on the customer’s ServiceNow instance.

  • How is my app pricing determined?

  • Is it possible to get a free trial?

Yes, there is a free trial available for Tableau Connector for ServiceNow. Keep in mind the following:

  • The trial version can only be installed on non-productive instances. There is no option for installation on personal development instances;

  • You can try the application with your data;

  • The trial is free and starts with the installation date.

Follow this instruction to start your free trial of Tableau Connector for ServiceNow.

The free trial version of Tableau Connector for ServiceNow has the same full functionality as the paid version of the app.

Additional Features and Support Requests:

  • How can I request support if I have a problem?

  • How can I submit a feature request?

  • Do you consider or implement feature customization?