Liliia Ostrovska
Vitalii Komendant
Returns a list of orders placed. An order is a customer's request to purchase one or more products from a shop.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Billing address matches shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can mark as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | The date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Client IP | The IP address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field returns null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field returns null. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. This doesn't include returned quantities. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. Example values could be 'en', 'en-CA', 'en-PIRATE'. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied. |
The email address associated with the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. This field returns false after an order is completely fulfilled, or completely refunded without any fulfillments. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited by the merchant. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Payment gateway names | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | The phone number associated with the customer. |
Presentment currency code | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item on the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether any line item on the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. A test order cannot be converted into a real order and vice versa. |
Total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order. |
Total weight | The total weight of the order in grams. The total isn't adjusted for returns or removals. For the total with returns or removals, use currentTotalWeight. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
totalRefunded | Total amount refunded for the order. |
Mailing address provided by the customer. Not all orders have mailing addresses.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Formatted area | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
The amount of the order-level discount, which doesn't contain any line item discounts.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Details about the channel that created the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Channel ID | The unique identifier for the channel. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
The channel definition associated with the channel.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Channel name | Name of the channel that this sub channel belongs to. |
Handle | Unique string used as a public identifier for the channel definition. |
ID | The unique identifier for the channel definition. |
Sub channel name | Name of the sub channel (e.g. Online Store, Instagram Shopping, TikTok Live). |
Svg icon | Icon displayed when showing the channel in admin. |
The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned. This doesn't include line item discounts.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The taxes charged for the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned or removed.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Price | The amount of tax to be charged. |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount of duties after returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Custom information added to the order by your customer (Also referred to as note attributes).
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
The customer who placed the order. Not all orders have customers associated with them.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer ID | Globally unique ID. |
A description of the customer's experience with the store leading up to the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer order index | The position of the current order within the customer's order history. Test orders aren't included. |
Days to conversion | The number of days between the first session and the order creation date. The first session represents the first session since the last order, or the first session within the 30 day attribution window, if more than 30 days have passed since the last order. |
The customer's first session going into the shop.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was store.myshopify.com/products/1. |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is myshopifystore.com/products/slide?ref=j2tj1tn2, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, https://randomblog.com/page1 or android-app://com.google.android.gm. |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
Represents a set of UTM parameters.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Campaign | The name of a marketing campaign. |
Content | Identifies specific content in a marketing campaign. Used to differentiate between similar content or links in a marketing campaign to determine which is the most effective. |
Medium | The medium of a marketing campaign, such as a banner or email newsletter. |
Source | The source of traffic to the merchant's store, such as Google or an email newsletter. |
Term | Paid search terms used by a marketing campaign. |
The last session before an order is made.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was store.myshopify.com/products/1. |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is myshopifystore.com/products/slide?ref=j2tj1tn2, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, https://randomblog.com/page1 or android-app://com.google.android.gm. |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
Represents a set of UTM parameters.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Campaign | The name of a marketing campaign. |
Content | Identifies specific content in a marketing campaign. Used to differentiate between similar content or links in a marketing campaign to determine which is the most effective. |
Medium | The medium of a marketing campaign, such as a banner or email newsletter. |
Source | The source of traffic to the merchant's store, such as Google or an email newsletter. |
Term | Paid search terms used by a marketing campaign. |
The events preceding a customer order, such as shop sessions.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was store.myshopify.com/products/1. |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is myshopifystore.com/products/slide?ref=j2tj1tn2, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, https://randomblog.com/page1 or android-app://com.google.android.gm. |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
Primary address of the customer, which is shown on the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Formatted area | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
A summary of each dispute associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Initiated as | The type that the dispute was initiated as. |
Status | The current status of the dispute. |
A list of fulfillment orders for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Fulfill at | The date and time at which the fulfillment order will be fulfillable. |
Fulfillment order ID | Globally unique ID. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Request status | The request status of the fulfillment order. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment order. |
List of shipments for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Created at | The date and time when the fulfillment was created. |
Delivered at | The date that this fulfillment was delivered. |
Display status | Human readable display status for this fulfillment. |
Estimated delivery at | The estimated date that this fulfillment will arrive. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
In transit at | The date and time when the fulfillment went into transit. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Name | Human readable reference identifier for this fulfillment. |
Requires shipping | Whether any of the line items in the fulfillment require shipping. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment. |
Total quantity | Sum of all line item quantities for the fulfillment. |
Updated at | The date and time when the fulfillment was last modified. |
The location that the fulfillment was processed at.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
Fulfillment service associated with the fulfillment.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URLCompany
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
| The name of the tracking company. |
| The tracking number of the fulfillment. |
| The URLs to track the fulfillment. |
List of the order's line items.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Fulfillable quantity | The total number of units to fulfill. |
Fulfillment status | The line item's fulfillment status. Returns 'fulfilled' if fulfillableQuantity >= quantity, 'partial' if fulfillableQuantity > 0, and 'unfulfilled' otherwise. |
Merchant editable | Whether the line item can be edited or not. |
Name | Name of the product. |
Non fulfillable quantity | A count of the number of line items that cannot be fulfilled. |
Quantity | The number of variant items ordered. |
Refundable quantity | The line item's quantity minus its refundedQuantity. |
Requires shipping | Whether physical shipping is required for the variant. |
Restockable | Whether the line item's variant has an ID and inventory is managed by Shopify. |
SKU | Variant SKU number. |
Taxable | Whether the variant is taxable. |
Title | Title of the product or variant (this field only applies to custom line items). |
Unfulfilled quantity | The number of units not yet fulfilled. |
Variant title | Name of the variant. |
Vendor | Name of the vendor who made the variant. |
List of additional information about the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
Money amount allocated by the discount application onto the line item in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The discount of which this allocated amount originated from.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Allocation method | The method by which the discount's value is allocated to its entitled items. |
Discount type | Type of the allocated discount. Can be monetary or percentage. |
Index | An ordered index that can be used to identify the discount application and indicate the precedence of the discount application for calculations. |
Target selection | How the discount amount is distributed on the discounted lines. |
Target type | Whether the discount is applied on line items or shipping lines. |
Title | The title of the discount application. |
Type | Discount application type |
Value | The value of the discount application. |
The total line price after discounts are applied, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The price of a single quantity of the line item with line item discounts applied, in shop and presentment currencies. Discounts applied to the entire order aren't included in this price.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The duty details for a line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Country code of origin | The ISO code of the country of origin. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
The amount of the duty.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Total price (without discounts) of the line item, based on the original unit price of the variant x quantity, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Variant price without any discounts applied, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The product corresponding to the line item’s product variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Product ID | Globally unique ID. |
A list of tax line objects, each of which details the total taxes applicable to the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Price | The amount of tax to be charged. |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
The sum of all applied discounts on this line item, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total discounted value of unfulfilled units, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total value before discount of all unfulfilled units, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Associated variant for the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Product variant ID | Globally unique ID. |
A list of metafields that belong to the resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Metafield ID | Globally unique ID. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
The net payment for the order, based on the total amount received minus the total amount refunded.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount of duties before returns, in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total price of the order at the time of order creation.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The payment collection details for an order requiring additional payment.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Additional payment collection URL | URL allowing additional payments to be collected on the order. |
The fulfillment location that was assigned when the order was created. Orders can have multiple fulfillment orders. These fulfillment orders can each be assigned to a different location which is responsible for fulfilling a subset of the items in an order. The Order.physicalLocation field will only point to one of these locations. Use the FulfillmentOrder object for up to date fulfillment location information.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online order | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled order | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
The address of the location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
City | The city of the location. |
Country | The country of the location. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the location. |
First line | The first line of the address for the location. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the location address. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinates of the location. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinates of the location. |
Phone | The phone number of the location. |
Province | The province of the location. |
Province code | The code for the region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. For example QC for Quebec, Canada. |
Second line | The second line of the address for the location. |
Zip | The ZIP code of the location. |
List of suggested addresses for this location (empty if none).
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
City | The city of the suggested address. |
Country | The country of the suggested address. |
Country code | The country code of the suggested address. |
First line | The first line of the suggested address. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the suggested address. |
Province | The province of the suggested address. |
Province code | The province code of the suggested address. |
Second line | The second line of the suggested address. |
Zip | The ZIP code of the suggested address. |
The publication that created the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Name | Name of the publication. |
Supports future publishing | Whether or not this publication supports future publishing. |
The app associated with the publication.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
API key | A unique application API identifier. |
App store app URL | App store page URL of the app. |
App store developer URL | App store page URL of the developer who created the app. |
Description | Description of the app. |
Developer name | App's developer name. |
Embedded | Whether the app uses the Embedded App SDK. |
Handle | Handle of the app. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Install URL | Webpage where you can install the app. |
Pricing details | Detailed information about the app pricing. |
Pricing details summary | Summary of the app pricing details. |
Privacy policy URL | Link to app privacy policy. |
Published | Whether the app is published. |
Shopify developed | Whether the app was developed by Shopify. |
Title | Name of the app. |
Uninstall message | Message that appears when the app is uninstalled. |
The purchasing entity for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Type | Purchasing entity type. |
Represents information about the customer who placed the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer ID | The customer ID associated to the order. |
Represents information about the purchasing company for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Company ID | The company ID associated to the order. |
Contact ID | The company contact ID associated to the order. |
Location ID | The company location ID associated to the order. |
The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchant's favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customer's favor.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
List of refunds that have been applied to the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Created at | When the refund was created. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Note | Note associated with the refund. |
Updated at | When the refund was last updated. |
Total amount refunded across all the transactions for this refund in shop and presentment currencies.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Represents a return.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Name | The name of the return. |
Status | The status of the return. |
Total quantity | The sum of all line item quantities for the return. Includes the total quantity of both return line items and exchange line items. |
List of refunds that have been applied to the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Created at | When the refund was created. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Note | Note associated with the refund. |
Updated at | When the refund was last updated. |
The return line items attached to the return.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer note | A note from the customer that describes the item to be returned. Maximum length: 300 characters. |
Quantity | The quantity being returned. |
Refundable quantity | The quantity that can be refunded. |
Refunded quantity | The quantity that was refunded. |
Return reason | The reason for returning the item. |
Return reason note | Additional information about the reason for the return. Maximum length: 255 characters. |
The total line price after all discounts on the line item, including both line item level discounts and code-based line item discounts, are applied.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The fulfillment line item from which items are returned.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Line item ID | The associated order’s line item ID. |
Quantity | Number of line items in the fulfillment. |
The total weight of the item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement for `value`. |
Weight value | The weight value using the unit system specified with `unit`. |
Additional information about why a merchant declined the customer's return request.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Note | The notification message sent to the customer about their declined return request. |
Reason | The reason the customer's return request was declined. |
The order risks associated with this order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Display | Whether the risk level is shown in the Shopify admin. If false, then this order risk is ignored when Shopify determines the overall risk level for the order. |
Level | The likelihood that an order is fraudulent, based on this order risk. The level can be set by Shopify risk analysis or by an app. |
Message | The risk message that's shown to the merchant in the Shopify admin. |
The mailing address for shipping items on the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. For example, US. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Formatted area | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on firstName and lastName. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. Formatted using E.164 standard. For example, +16135551111. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. For example, ON. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
A summary of shipping costs on the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Carrier identifier | A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. |
Code | A reference to the shipping method. |
Custom | Whether the shipping line is custom or not. |
Delivery category | The general classification of the delivery method. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Phone | The phone number at the shipping address. |
Shipping rate handle | A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and is not meant to be shown to users. |
Source | Returns the rate source for the shipping line. |
Title | Returns the title of the shipping line. |
The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The subtotal of the line items and their discounts, which doesn't contain shipping costs and shipping discounts.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The taxes charged for the line items on the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Price | The amount of tax to be charged. |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount discounted from the order. This includes order-level and line item discounts. The total is not adjusted for returns or removals. For the total with returns or removals, use currentTotalDiscountsSet.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Total amount of money not yet transacted for the order. A positive value indicates a difference that benefits the merchant (payment from customer to merchant) and a negative value indicates a difference that benefits the customer (refund from merchant to customer).
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts). The total is not adjusted for returns or removals. For the total with returns or removals, use currentTotalPriceSet.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount received by the customer for the order. The total isn't adjusted for returns or removals.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount refunded for shipping.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total amount charged for shipping the order. The total isn't adjusted for returns or removals.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
The total tip received for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment money amount | Amount in presentment currency. |
Presentment money currency code | Currency code of the amount in presentment currency. |
Shop money amount | Amount in shop currency. |
Shop money currency code | Currency code of the amount in shop currency. |
List of all transactions associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Account number | The masked account number associated with the payment method. |
Amount | The amount of money. |
Authorization code | Authorization code associated with the transaction. |
Created at | Date and time when the transaction was created. |
Error code | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. |
Formatted gateway | The human-readable payment gateway name used to process the transaction. |
Gateway | The payment gateway used to process the transaction. |
ID | Globally unique ID. |
Kind | The kind of transaction. |
Manually capturable | Whether the transaction can be manually captured. |
Payment ID | The payment ID associated with the transaction. |
Processed at | Date and time when the transaction was processed. |
Status | The status of this transaction. |
Test | Whether the transaction is a test transaction. |
Total unsettled | Specifies the available amount to capture on the gateway. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid. |