Tables Filtering Schemes

Tables Filtering Schemes


Projects (Jira software) Boards Boards types

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards filtered by Boards types filter values (by Boards.TYPE). 
    Filtering skipped if Boards types filter is not active.

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Export resulted boards list.

Expected result

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list and filtered by Boards types.



Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints Sprints states

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from step 2 filtered by Sprints states filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints states filter is not active.

  4. Loading sprints by Sprints filter values.

  5. Filtering sprints loaded on step 4 by Sprints states filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints states filter is not active.

  6. Export resulted unique sprints list subject to the condition of uniqueness of the natural key (Sprints.SPRINT_ID + Sprints.BOARD_ID).

Expected results

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All unique sprints loaded by unique boards list and Sprints filter values filtered by Sprints states filter.


Board Sprints

Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints Sprints states

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (by Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from steps 2 filtered by Sprints filter values (Sprints.SPRINT_ID) and Sprints states filter values (Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints filter and Sprints states filter are not active.

Expected results

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All sprints loaded by a unique boards list filtered by Sprints and Sprints states filters.


Board Issues

Projects (Jira software) Boards BOARDS TYPES FILTER BY JQL

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards filtered by BOARDS TYPES filter values.
    Filtering skipped if BOARDS TYPES filter is not active.

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) are not active.

  3. Loading issues by the resulting boards list filtered by FILTER BY JQL value.
    Filtering skipped if FILTER BY JQL is not active.

Expected result

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list and filtered by BOARDS TYPES.

All Issues filtered by boards and FILTER BY JQL value loaded and exported.


Issue Sprints

Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints SPRINTS STATES FILTER BY JQL

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from steps 2 filtered by SPRINTS STATES filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if SPRINTS STATES filter is not active.

  4. Loading sprints by Sprints filter values.

  5. Filtering sprints loaded on step 4 by SPRINTS STATES filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if SPRINTS STATES filter is not active.

  6. Loading issues by the resulting sprints list filtered by FILTER BY JQL value.
    Filtering skipped if FILTER BY JQL is not active.

Expected result

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list and filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All unique sprints loaded by unique boards list and Sprints filter values filtered by SPRINTS STATES filter.

All sprints issues filtered by FILTER BY JQL value loaded and exported.


Sprint Reports

Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints SPRINTS STATES

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from steps 2 filtered by Sprints filter values (by Sprints.SPRINT_ID) and SPRINTS STATES filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints filter and SPRINTS STATES filter are not active.

  4. Loading sprints reports data by unique natural key (Sprints.SPRINT_ID + Sprints.BOARD_ID).

Expected results

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All sprints loaded by a unique boards list filtered by Sprints and SPRINTS STATES filter.

All unique sprints reports items loaded and exported by unique Boards.BOARD_ID and Sprints.SPRINT_ID combination.


Sprint Report Issues

Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints SPRINTS STATES ISSUES TYPES Issues statuses

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from steps 2 filtered by Sprints filter values (by Sprints.SPRINT_ID) and SPRINTS STATES filter values (by Sprints.STATE).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints filter and SPRINTS STATES filter are not active.

  4. Loading sprints reports issues data by unique natural key (Sprints.SPRINT_ID + Sprints.BOARD_ID).

  5. Filtering sprints reports issues data by ISSUES TYPES and Issues statuses filters values.
    Filtering skipped if ISSUES TYPES and Issues statuses filters are not active.

Expected results

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All sprints loaded by a unique boards list filtered by Sprints and SPRINTS STATES filter.

All unique sprints reports issues loaded and exported by unique Boards.BOARD_ID and Sprints.SPRINT_ID combination filtered by ISSUES TYPES and Issues statuses filters values.


Velocity Charts

Projects (Jira software) Boards Sprints

Filtering schema

  1. Loading boards with scrum and simple types (Boards.TYPE).

  2. Filtering boards by Boards filter values (by Boards.BOARD_ID) and Projects (Jira software) filter values (by Boards.LOCATION_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Boards filter and Projects (Jira software) filter are not active.

  3. Loading sprints by boards ids list from steps 2 filtered by Sprints filter values (by Sprints.SPRINT_ID).
    Filtering skipped if Sprints filter is not active.

  4. Loading velocity charts data by unique natural key (Sprints.SPRINT_ID + Sprints.BOARD_ID).

Expected results

All unique boards chosen by Boards and Projects (Jira software) filters are combined into one list filtered by scrum and simple boards types.

All sprints loaded by a unique boards list filtered by Sprints filter.

All unique velocity charts items loaded and exported.


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