How to Set Up Scheduled Refresh on Power BI Service

How to Set Up Scheduled Refresh on Power BI Service

Users can publish Jira Power BI reports and dashboards in Power BI Server or Service. By default, these reports and dashboards don’t refresh automatically.

To keep data up to date, users can:

  • manually refresh reports

  • schedule refreshes

  • create on-demand refreshes

Scheduled Refresh automates data updates, eliminating the need to republish reports after data changes. For example, you can schedule a refresh at 7 a.m. to ensure reports are updated by the start of the workday.

Live Jira data and real-time synchronization in Power BI are not possible. Scheduled refresh is recommended for up-to-date Jira reports. See the instructions below for setting up a refresh.

Based on the Microsoft manuals, only a few data sources allow streaming live and real-time data in Power BI at the moment. Based on our customers' best practices, we kindly recommend using a scheduled refresh to get actual Jira reports in Power BI.


  1. Export data into Power BI Service, create the reports or dashboards you need, and save your file.


  1. Select Publish, and then select Sign in with your Power BI Service account (if you are not signed in).


3. Select a workspace where you’d like to publish your report or dashboard, and then select Select.

Power BI will start publishing your report or dashboard to your Power BI Service workspace.


After successful publishing, you may review your report by selecting the link or by going directly to your Power BI Service.


  1. Select Workspaces, and then select the workspace where you published your report or dashboard.



  1. In front of your published report or dashboard, select Schedule refresh.

Schedule refresh.gif


  1. [Optional] Select Edit credentials.

If you experience one of the errors: Failed to test the connection to your data source. Please retry your credentials or Data source can’t be refreshed because the credentials are invalid. Please update your credentials and try again, follow the steps below. If you don’t face an error, please proceed to step 12.

Edit credentials 2.gif
Edit credentials 1.gif


  1. In the Authentication method field, select Basic.

  2. In the User name, enter your Jira username.

  3. In the Password field, enter your access token.

  4. In the Privacy level setting for this data source field, select None, and then select Sign in.

Configure and Sign in.gif


  1. Expand the Refresh section, and then turn it on.

Refresh section.gif


  1. Select refresh frequency and time zone, and then select Add another time.

Refresh frequency, Time zone, Time.gif


  1. Configure the time you need, and then select Apply.



Now your data set will be refreshed according to the configured schedule.

Next refresh.gif



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