How to Create Data Source

How to Create Data Source

  1. Being signed in to your Jira instance, select SQL Connector, and then select Data Sources.


  1. Select Create Data Source.

SQL - Create data source.gif


  1. In the Name* field, enter your data source name.

  2. Select + to add database.

If you have already created the database where you’d like to export your Jira data, simply select it from the drop-down list.



  1. In the Title* section, enter the title for your database.

  2. [Optional] In the Comment field, enter any useful information.

  3. In the Database Type* field, select the type of your database.

  4. In the Host* field, enter the host of your database.

  5. In the Port* field, enter the host of your database.

  6. In the Database Name*, enter the name of your database.

  7. [Optional] In the Database Schema*, enter the data schema.

By leaving the Database Schema* field empty, the default data schema will be applied.

  1. In the Username* field, enter your username.

  2. In the Password* field, enter your password.

  3. Select Test connection to check if everything is correct.


If everything is correct, you will get the corresponding message.

Test connection success.

  1. Select Create.


  1. [Optional] In the Users field, enter the username you want to share the data source with.

  1. [Optional] In the Groups field, select the group you need.

  1. [Optional] In the Project Roles field, select the roles you need.







  1. Select all filters and tables you want to be in your data source, and then select Save.