How to create custom email templates?

How to create custom email templates?

Jira Administrator can create own email templates for their specific business purposes. Mail Me users will be able to use them when sending emails.

To create custom email templates, please follow the next steps:



Step 1. Go to the Navigation bar and select Apps - Mail Me.


Step 2. To manage custom templates click the Templates tab on the left side menu.


Step 3. Click Add new template button.

You will be redirected to the “Add template” page.


Step 4. Create custom email templates by filling the fields.



You can use our prompts and descriptions:

  1. Name - a required field, name of the template - it must be unique.

  2. Example template - you can choose Jira’s default template as a basis and change it.

  3. Context parameters - you can use it as a cheat sheet with the issue parameters

  4. HTML Body Template - a required field, template content for HTML format email.

  5. Text Body Template - a required field, template content for Text format email.

  6. Save - saves the template and redirects you to the page with a list of templates.

  7. Cancel - allows you to return to the previous page with a list of templates without saving.


Context parameters

In templates, we use double braces {{ }} as place-holders for data (also known as “Mustache” syntax). The mustache tag will be replaced with the value of the corresponding issue property in the email.



Project key of current issue


Project name of current issue


Link to project of current issue


Project type key of current issue


Link to project avatar (32x32)



Issue key


Link to issue


Issue summary


Issue description (html format)


Issue description (markup format)


Issue type


Link to issue type avatar


Issue priority


Link to issue priority avatar


List of issue labels


List of attachments name


Issue status


Issue status change date


Issue created date


Issue updated date


Issue due date


Last date when Issue was viewed by current user


Issue watches count


Issue time estimate


Issue time original estimate


Issue time spent


Issue creator display name


Link to issue creator


Link to issue creator avatar (32x32)


Issue assignee display name


Link to issue assignee


Link to issue assignee avatar (32x32)


Issue reporter display name


Link to issue reporter


Link to issue reporter avatar (32x32)


Issue comments total


List of the comments(author, creation date, comment body) separated by empty line

Issue comment

These values ​​must be located in a wrapper (eg li, tr, etc.) with id = "foreach" attribute. The wrapper with this attribute value will be iterated {{issueCommentsTotal}} times (displays all issue comments)


Comment body (html format)


Comment body (markup format)


Comment creation date


Comment update date


Comment author display name


Link to the profile of the comment author


Link to comment author avatar (32x32)


Name of the person which was last who updated the comment


Link to the profile of the person which was last who updated the comment


Link to the avatar (32x32) of the person which was last who updated the comment

Issue Custom Field

First, you need to know the exact custom field ID, e.g. customfield_10128. After that, you can use the double brace syntax and type {{customfield_10128}} or any other custom field ID.



Current user display name


Link to the profile of current user


Link to current user avatar (32x32)

You can enable/disable all custom templates. However, the default templates can’t be deleted or edited.



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