Board Charts Table Reference

Board Charts Table Reference

Board Charts Table Description

The Board Charts table is designed to export chart information for specific boards. A detailed list of fields that can be exported, along with their description, is provided in the table below.


Column Name

Column ID


Board Id


Board unique ID in Jira database

Board Name


Board name

Sprint Id


Sprint unique ID in Jira database

Sprint Name


Sprint name

Sprint State


Sprint state (active, closed)

Sprint Activated Date


Actual start time of sprint in UTC

This field is available for unloading on Jira versions 8.7.0 and higher.

Sprint Complete Date


Actual time of sprint completion in UTC

Sprint Start Date


Sprint start time specified by user in UTC

Sprint End Date


Sprint completion time specified by user in UTC

Velocity Chart Commitment


Velocity Chart commitment value for sprint on the corresponding board.

Field value calculation logic.

Velocity Chart Completed


Velocity Chart completed value for sprint on the corresponding board.

Field value calculation logic.

Data Used for Calculation of Board Charts Table Fields Values

The table indicates the sources of data for calculating the Board Charts table fields.

Thus, the calculation of data for corresponding fields is specific to each board and its configuration. Currently, the app doesn’t limit users regarding the amount of data that can be exported, in contrast to how it is described in the official Atlassian documentation for Velocity Charts.

Column Name

Data sources

Board Id

Boards table data

Board Name

Boards table data

Sprint Id

Sprints table data

Sprint Name

Sprints table data

Sprint State

Sprints table data

Sprint Activated Date

Sprints table data

Sprint Complete Date

Sprints table data

Sprint Start Date

Sprints table data

Sprint End Date

Sprints table data

Velocity Chart Commitment

  • Boards table data and configuration data for the boards functioning

  • Issues table data

  • Sprints table data

  • Issues history changes (sprints, estimation field, status changes)

Velocity Chart Completed

  • Boards table data and configuration data for the boards functioning

  • Issues table data

  • Sprints table data

  • Issues history changes (sprints, estimation field, status changes)

Calculation of Velocity Chart Commitment and Velocity Chart Completed Fields Values

The calculation of the Estimation field is determined by the board’s estimation configuration.

Only numeric estimation custom field values are calculated. Issue Count or Original Time Estimate are not computed.


The field values are calculated based on the history of changes in the state of each Issue relative to the corresponding sprint’s start and completion dates. 

The history of changes for each Issue can be tracked in the History tab.


To calculate the values, all Issues associated with a specific board filter are used. The list of sprints for a specific board is also determined by these Issues.

The board filter query can be defined in the corresponding section of the board configuration.


The Issue status is determined by the presence of a value in the status field. If the value equals the right-most column status on the board, the Issue is marked as closed.


The future sprints are not shown in this table because they are not supported by the board charts.


The pair of ‘board and sprint’ is unique for the Board Charts table and is intended to display all values for this pair.


Calculating Velocity Chart Commitment and Velocity Chart Completed Fields Values


The table below describes the values that are included or excluded from the resulting fields of Velocity Chart Commitment and Velocity Chart Completed.


The values included or excluded from the resulting fields of Velocity Chart Commitment are as follows:

Starting from Jira version 8.7.0, the calculation is based on the sprint activation date.

Sprint State

Include estimation field values

Exclude estimation field values


Values of Issues that added to sprint before start/activation* date

  • All Issues Values that added to sprint after start/activation* date

The values included or excluded from the resulting fields of Velocity Chart Completed are as follows:

Sprint State

Include estimation field values

Exclude estimation field values


Values of Issues that closed inside sprint at the completion date of sprint

  • Opened Issues Values at the completion date of sprint

  • Values of Issues that closed outside of sprint