FAQ Licensing

FAQ Licensing


How is my app pricing determined?

You must purchase the app license that matches or exceeds your highest Jira user tier. For example, if you have a 500-User Jira Software license, and a 20-Agent Jira Service Desk license, your Jira apps must be at the 500-User level.

How are license upgrade prices calculated?

You can upgrade licenses at any time from a lower tier to a higher tier. Upgrades for Server apps include 12 months of maintenance commencing from the date payment is processed. This will override any existing maintenance period.

The price to upgrade from a lower to higher license tier for Server apps is calculated based on Atlassian's formula, as seen here for Jira Software. We automatically calculate the appropriate price based on the license upgrade formula when you add the license upgrade to your shopping cart.

When a customer elects to upgrade from a Server app to a Data Center approved app, or vise-versa, they will not be granted any discounts on their new license purchase. From the date of purchase, this will initiate a new annual license window when a Data Center approved app is adopted and a new 12-month maintenance window when a Server app license is adopted.

Where do I get the license key for my new app?

You receive your license key and applicable source code after your payment is successfully received and processed. We send you an email that includes instructions on how to access the license key.

You can also log in to https://my.atlassian.com to retrieve your license key. Just like your product purchases, apps you purchase in the Marketplace are reflected in your My Atlassian account.

Is it possible to extend my free trial?

For Data Center and Server apps, you can extend your app trial up to 5 times - in other words, for up to six months. Extend your trial by generating a new evaluation license key from Atlassian Marketplace. Click “Try it free” and you'll be directed to generate a new license. Paste this license key into the app listing in UPM from your Atlassian product, and you're all set.

For Cloud apps, you cannot extend your free evaluation period. All cloud apps are immediately subscribed by a user, and we provide a free evaluation period. This is a minimum of 30 days and ends on the second billing cycle after you first subscribe to the app.

What happens to my app when I migrate host products from Server to Data Center?

When you migrate to a Data Center host product, your Server app license(s) will no longer be valid on a Data Center instance. You will be required to move to a Data Center app license(s) in this case.

How to update my server license key?

When you purchase a new server license or renew/upgrade an existing server license, you can log into https://my.atlassian.com to access all your license keys.

  1. Log into your MyAtlassian account at https://my.atlassian.com
    For the username, use the Technical Contact or Billing Contact email address you provided when purchasing or starting the evaluation of the add-on.

  2. After you log in, navigate to the Licenses page and locate the relevant add-on.

  3. Copy the license key (or simply keep the page open in your browser window).

  4. Log in to your Atlassian product and navigate to the administration page. 

  5. Navigate to the Manage Plugins page in the Plugins section.

  6. Locate your installed add-on in the list and click to expand it.

  7. Paste the key into the License field and choose Update.

You can find more information about “How to update my server license key?” here!

For more information, please check Atlassian Purchasing & Licensing. You can find actual app pricing on our Marketplace page.



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