User Guide

User Guide

This part is for general Jira users. Here you can find instructions on how to use Azure Communication Services for Jira in your daily operations.

With Azure Communication Services for Jira, you can communicate with your customers or teammates by starting an instant meeting or scheduling it for some time in the future directly from a Jira issue or Jira ITSM ticket.



How to start an instant Meeting


You can start an instant meeting from any issue if the Azure Communication Services for Jira plugin is enabled for the project by your Jira Administrator.


Step 1. Open an issue and find Azure Meeting in the issue details sectionon the right. Click the Open Azure Meeting button.


Step 2. Click Start Call to start an instant Meeting.





App immediately creates a ready-to-start meeting and adds comment with the link to join.






All attendees can join the meeting by following the link in the issue comment. Or the link can be copied and shared with all attendees manually by any other means (mail, messenger etc).


How to schedule a Meeting


You can schedule a Meeting for any suitable time in the future from any issue if the Azure Communication Services for Jira plugin is enabled for the project by your Jira Administrator.


Step 1. Open an issue and find Azure Meeting in the issue details sectionon the right. Click the Open Azure Meeting button.

Step 2. Click the Schedule Meeting button.


Step 3. In Schedule a call window fill in the following fields:

  • Meeting topic

  • Members

  • Data and time

  • Duration

  • Time Zone

and click Schedule button.

Note! You can invite any Jira user to join this Meeting.


All meeting details will be listed as a comment on the issue.

All members will receive emails with all the details and link to join.


How to invite attendees to a Meeting


All issue roles (assignees, reporters, watchers) can join the meeting simply by following the link in the issue comment.

Besides, you can copy the Meeting link and share it with other Jira users manually by any other means (mail, messenger etc).

Any other users outside Jira can also be invited to the Meeting and will be able to join by the meeting link.


How to share a screen during a Meeting


Step 1. To start sharing your screen during the Meeting click the Screen icon.


Step 2. Choose the suitable sharing option

  • Entire Screen

  • Application Window

  • Chrome Tab

and click Share button.


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