User Guide
How to generate work logs report?
To get to reports page click Time Tracker Tab on Jira’s main menu. Then choose Reports.
In the opened page you'll find:
To generate report follow Reports page fields and buttons description:
Select the report start date.
Select Filter by Users, Projects, Issues, Epics, Leads, and Roles.
Select Group by Users, Projects, Issues, Epics, Sub-tasks, Worklogs.
Select table options Required, Total/Required, Total.
Click Generate report button and see the generated project reports table below.
Export report to PDF file or print report, export data to XLS, XLSX, CSV.
Click User field to sort data in alphabetical order.
Click Total field to sort total tracked time in ascending/descending order.
The current day is highlighted.
Inline dialog page
Inline dialog page allows users to log time, edit logged time, or delete user's reports.
To get to inline dialog page:
Сlick on any cell with the date you are interested in:
In the opened window you'll find:
Inline dialog page fields and buttons description:
Click Issue Key to select Issue where the user wants to log time.
Enter the work description at Work Description field.
Select the worklog date.
Set the worked hours amount.
Click the Add button to add a work log. Users can edit previously added worklogs.
Click the Delete button to delete worklog.