How to add the repository and work with repositories
This instruction provides the convenience of adding your Git repositories from a Jira account and work with them directly from your Jira tickets for more efficient project management and tracking. The complete step by step description for adding new repositories is provided below.
Please make sure that all data is correct before submitting the repository. Git provider will be resolved automatically and if the repository is private you will have to provide credentials for authentication.
After adding a new repository, the table will be rendered with saved repositories.
Button leads to this page
Full URL path of your repository
Confirmation button
Cancel the saving button
Press this button to open the popup
Add Server popup
You also may plug Jira integration for each of the following Git services. Choose the provider that you need to add repositories.
Repository page
Press this button to open the popup
Add Server: GitHub
Add Server: GitLab
Add Server: Bitbucket
Add Server: Beanstalk
Add Server: Microsoft
Add Server: Gitea
Selector between Cloud and Server services
Access Token
Group Filter
Next button
Close pop-up button
For such Service Providers as Bitbucket and Beanstalk, authentication by credentials is enabled as an alternate way to add server.
How to get repository URL
In order to connect to the repository, you need to have its URL. It is usually located on the main page and is easily accessible. Please note that you need an address starting with "https". Also, you can use the SSH URL.
Copy URL to the clipboard by clicking on the "Сopy" button(1).
Same you can do with SSH URL.
Add public repository
Put your repository URL into the provided field. This one is public so no authentication credentials are required.
Once we click the Add button, the plugin saves it.
Before clicking “Add”, please make sure all data in the repository URL field(1) is correct.
Repositories page after successful save
Successful save will lead to the automatic loading of the repositories table. It is a handy tool with filtering and pagination that helps you to manage all your repositories if you have to work with lots of them.
Repositories tab
Servers tab
Filter by URL field
Filter by Git Provider field
Filter by Last Update
Initiates filtering after filtering criterion is provided
Clear filter fields and show all repositories
Add repositories button open popup to add more repositories
Delete Selected repositories
Delete All repositories
Check-box for selected repositories
Repository URL
Last time of this repo update
Git Provider
Status of adding repositories
Actions with repositories (edited, delete, logs)
Add server
For adding a new server you must go to the Servers tab and then you can add, edit or delete servers.
Repositories tab
Servers tab
Filter by URL field
Filter by Git Provider field
Initiates filtering after filtering criterion is provided
Clear filter fields and show all repositories
Add Server button open popup to add more repositories
Delete Selected servers
Delete All servers
Check-box for selected repositories
Server URL
Username owner of the server
Repositories - its numbers of repositories which include in the server
Status of adding repositories
Actions with repositories (edited, delete, refresh)
Add private repository
Workflow for adding a private repository is slightly different because it is impossible to connect without credentials.
Repository URL field.
After trying to add the private repo, you will get a message with instructions.
Editable Repository URL
Informational message
For some Service Providers(Beanstalk and Bitbucket) authentication via login credentials is available as well.
Please note that the user needs to have access to the repository.
Access token(for GitLab Provider as an alternate authentication way)
Repositories page with successfully added repositories.