User Guide

User Guide

Before you start


Learn about how our customers use Exportier - Data Export to improve their business performance here.


The table of contents


Create Shopify data export


Step 1. To export the data, you need to create a new report based on your criteria. To do this, click on New Report button on the Reports page.

Step 2. Follow the steps below to configure the report based on your parameters.

  1. Select data type for the default tab. There are such types available:

    • Products 

    • Customers

    • Orders

    • Inventory Items

    • Product Variants

    • Draft Orders

    • Tender Transactions

    • Bank Accounts

    • Disputes

    • Payouts

    • Collections


  1. Add one or more filters if needed in the Filters subsection in the FILTERS section.



You can edit filters if it’s required.

For example, you applied a filter with the Created At option. In a while, you want to change the date of the filter and generate a report with new data. You can easily modify your filter using the Edit icon opposite the appropriate filter.



  1. You can arrange columns in the preferable order using this instruction.

  2. Choose the fields you’d like to export by marking the relevant checkboxes next to the field you’d like to export in the FIELDS section.

You can find a full list of available Shopify fields for export to CSV or Excel here.

5. Optionally, change the order of the columns by dragging them in the COLUMNS section. You can also rename columns.

6. Optionally, you can add a custom column that computes a value based on other columns.

7. Enter report name in the Name field.

8. Optionally, add a report description in the Description field.

9. Set up export file settings:

a) Choose a file format: Excel or CSV;

b) Configure other export file settings.

10. Click Save button to confirm and save the configured report or Discard button to reset parameters to default values.

You can include multiple sheets in your report with the “Add tab“ button.


Run Shopify data export


After you’ve successfully created a Report, navigate to the Reports page. Here you can see your newly created report in “Not ready” status.

To generate an export file click on the Run button. The status will be changed to “Pending” and then to “In progress”.

Download Shopify CSV/Excel export file


When the export process is completed status will change to “Ready” and you will be able to download the file with all the data you’ve configured in the previous step.

To download last prepared export, click on the Download action.

Alternatively, you can download an export file by clicking on Export history action and select item from the popover. Export history menu contains links to your current and previously generated exports.

See examples how to export Shopify products or to run Shopify export collections.



Email notification


If you’d like to get notified when the data preparation is ready, you can enable Email notification.

Step 1. Go to the Email notification section on the right side of the Export screen.

Click the Edit button and switch the notification checkmark to the desired position.







Step 2. Add another address or change the default address. You can add several addresses separated by coma. Click Apply to save changes, or Cancel to discard them.



Scheduled Shopify data export


In case you need to schedule periodical data export of any of your reports, you can configure the scheduler.