Fields Available for Shopify CSV / Excel Export
Victoria Markova (Unlicensed)
Liliia Ostrovska
Akzhan Bekaidar (Unlicensed)
Here you can find the full list of all fields, available for selection and export with Exportier - Data Export.
Using this document you can define if the tables and fields you need to export are available. The table of contents will navigate you.
Table of contents
Fields, sorted by the data types
Represents products in your Shopify store.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | The date and time the metafield was created. |
Created at | Description of the metafield. |
Description | Key name for the meta field. |
Description HTML | The namespace for the metafield. |
Gift card template suffix | Owner type of metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Has only default variant | The date and time the metafield was updated. |
Has out of stock variants | The value of the metafield. |
Is gift card | Represents the metafield value type. |
Media count | The date and time when metafield was updated. |
Online store preview URL | The value of metafield. |
Online store URL | Represents the metafield value type. |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Highest variant's price | The highest variant's price of the product, formatted as decimals. |
Lowest variant's price | The lowest variant's price of the product, formatted as decimals. |
Product type | The product type specified by merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (in ISO 8601 format) when the product was published on the online store. |
SEO title | SEO information about the product. |
SEO description | SEO informational description of the product. |
Status | Product status. |
Storefront ID | Product storefront ID. |
Tags | Comma-separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the item in the store. |
Title | The product's name. |
Total inventory | Quantity of goods in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The product's vendor name. |
List of collections containing products.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string for the collection. Automatically generated from the collection's title. |
Description | The stripped description of the collection, in a single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the collection, complete with HTML formatting. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image associated with the collection. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the collection as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the collection as a URL. |
Products count | The number of products included in the collection. |
Rule set | The rules are used to assign products to the collection. This applies only to smart collections. |
SEO title | SEO information title for the collection. |
SEO description | SEO information description for the collection. |
Sort order | The order in which the collection's products are sorted. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the collection. |
Title | The title of the collection. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the collection was last modified. |
Image ID | A unique identifier for the image associated with the collection. |
Template suffix | The suffix of the Liquid template being used to show the collection in an online store. |
Represents a product variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the featured image for the variant. |
Original image URL | The location of the original featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
Image ID | A unique identifier of the featured image for the variant. |
Represents custom metadata attached to a resource.
Fields | Description |
Fields | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
Represents an image resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | A unique identifier for the image. |
Alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image as a URL. |
URL | The location of the image as a URL. |
Shopify-hosted images related to a product.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Alt | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of a media. |
Image ID | A unique identifier for the image for the media. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image for the media. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image for the media as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image for the media as a URL. |
Media content type | The media content type. |
MIME type | The MIME type of the image. |
Status | Current status of the media. |
Represents a Shopify-hosted 3D model related to a product.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Alt | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of a media. |
Filename | The filename of the 3d model. |
Media content type | The media content type. |
Original source URL | The URL of the original source for a 3d model. |
Original source filesize | The filesize of the original source for a 3d model. |
Original source format | The format of the original source for a 3d model. |
Original MIME type | The MIME type of the original source for a 3d model. |
Status | Current status of the media. |
Shopify-hosted videos related to a product.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Alt | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of a media. |
Filename | The filename of the video. |
Media content type | The media content type. |
Original source format | The format of the original source for a video. |
Original source height | The height of the original source for a video. |
Original source MIME type | The original source video MIME type. |
Original source URL | The URL of the original source for a video. |
Original source width | The width of the original source for a video. |
Status | Current status of the media. |
Represents product-related videos hosted outside of Shopify.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Alt | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of a media. |
Embedded URL | The URL. |
Media content type | The media content type. |
Status | Current status of the media. |
Represents store customer information such as contact details, order history, and consent to receive email marketing information..
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Display name | The customer's full name, based on the first and last name values. If the first and last name are not available, then this is returned to the customer's email address, and if it is not available, to the customer's phone number. |
Number of orders | The number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. |
Amount spent | The total amount that the customer has spent on orders in their lifetime. |
Can delete | Whether the merchant can delete the customer from their store. |
Created at | The date and time when the customer was added to the store. |
The customer's email address. | |
First name | The customer's first name. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant has added timeline comments about the customer on the customer's page. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image associated with the customer. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Last name | The customer's last name. |
Lifetime duration | The amount of time since the customer was first added to the store. |
Locale | The customer's locale. |
Multipass identifier | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. |
Note | A note about the customer. |
Phone | The customer's phone number. |
State | The state of the customer's account with the shop. |
Tags | A comma-separated list of tags that have been added to the customer. |
Tax exempt | Whether the customer is exempt from being charged taxes on their orders. |
Updated at | The date and time when the customer was last updated. |
Valid email address | Whether the email address is formatted correctly. This does not guarantee that the email address actually exists. |
Verified email | Whether the customer has verified their email address. |
The default address associated with the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
A list of customer-related addresses.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
A list of the customer's orders.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
A list of the resource-related metafields.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
The customer's last order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
The current email marketing state for the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Consent updated at | The date and time at which the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. |
Marketing opt-in level | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described by the M3AAWG best practices guidelines, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. |
Marketing state | The current email marketing state for the customer. |
A list of basic events associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
App title | The name of the app that created the event. |
Attribute to app | Whether the event was created by an app. |
Attribute to user | Whether the event was caused by an admin user. |
Created at | The date and time when the event was created. |
Critical alert | Whether the event is critical. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Message | Human readable text that describes the event. |
A list of comment events associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
App title | The name of the app that created the event. |
Attribute to app | Whether the event was created by an app. |
Attribute to user | Whether the event was caused by an admin user. |
Can edit | Whether the comment event can be edited. |
Created at | The date and time when the event was created. |
Critical alert | Whether the event is critical. |
Edited | Whether the comment event has been edited. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Message | Human readable text that describes the event. |
Raw message | The raw body of the comment event. |
The attachments associated with the comment event.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
File extension | The file extension of the comment event attachment, indicating the file format. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The filename of the comment event attachment. |
Size | The size of the attachment. |
URL | The URL of the attachment. |
Alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. |
ID | A unique ID for the image. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image as a URL. |
URL | The location of the image as a URL. |
If the order was processed using Shopify POS, then this is its location as provided by the merchant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
List of line items that contains the shipping costs.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Carrier identifier | A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. |
Code | A reference to the shipping method. |
Custom | Whether the shipping line is custom or not. |
Delivery category | The general classification of the delivery method. |
Presentment discounted price | The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in presentment currency. |
Shop discounted price | The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in shop currency. |
Presentment original price | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied in presentment currency. |
Shop original price | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied in shop currency. |
Phone | The phone number at the shipping address. |
Shipping rate handle | A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and is not meant to be shown to users. |
Source | Returns the rate source for the shipping line. |
Title | Returns the title of the shipping line. |
The discounts that have been allocated to the shipping line.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment allocated amount | The money amount that's allocated to a line based on the associated discount application in presentment currency. |
Shop allocated amount | The money amount that's allocated to a line based on the associated discount application in shop currency. |
The discount application that the allocated amount originated from.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Allocation method | The method by which the discount's value is applied to its entitled items. |
Code | The string identifying the discount code that was used at the time of application. This field is present only in the discount code application. |
Description | The description of the discount application. This field is present only in the manual discount application. |
Discount type | Type of the allocated discount. Can be monetary or percentage. |
Index | An ordered index that can be used to identify the discount application and indicate the precedence of the discount application for calculations. |
Target selection | How the discount amount is distributed on the discounted lines. |
Target type | Whether the discount is applied on line items or shipping lines. |
Title | The title of the discount application. This field is absent in the discount code application. |
Type | Discount application type. |
Value | The value of the discount application. |
The app associated with the publication.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
API key | A unique application API identifier. |
App store app URL | App store page URL of the app. |
App store developer URL | App store page URL of the developer who created the app. |
Description | Description of the app. |
Developer name | App's developer name. |
Embedded | Whether the app uses the Embedded App SDK. |
Handle | Handle of the app. |
Install URL | Webpage where you can install the app. |
Pricing details | Detailed information about the app pricing. |
Pricing details summary | Summary of the app pricing details. |
Privacy policy URL | Link to app privacy policy. |
Published | Whether the app is published. |
Shopify developed | Whether the app was developed by Shopify. |
Title | Name of the app. |
Uninstall message | Message that appears when the app is uninstalled. |
List of all transactions associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Account number | The masked account number associated with the payment method. |
Presentment amount | The amount and currency of the transaction in presentment currency. |
Shop amount | The amount and currency of the transaction in shop currency. |
Authorization code | Authorization code associated with the transaction. |
Created at | Date and time when the transaction was created. |
Error code | A standardized error code, independent of the payment provider. |
Formatted gateway | The human-readable payment gateway name used to process the transaction. |
Gateway | The payment gateway used to process the transaction. |
Kind | The kind of transaction. |
Manually capturable | Whether the transaction can be manually captured. |
Maximum refundable | Specifies the available amount with currency to refund on the gateway. Only available within SuggestedRefund. |
Payment method | Specifies the credit card company used to pay for this transaction. |
Payment icon alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the payment icon to display for this transaction. |
Original payment icon URL | The location of the original payment icon to display for this transaction. |
Transformed payment icon URL | The location of the transformed payment icon to display for this transaction. |
Processed at | Date and time when the transaction was processed. |
Settlement currency | The settlement currency. |
Settlement currency rate | The rate used when converting the transaction amount to settlement currency. |
Status | The status of this transaction. |
Test | Whether the transaction is a test transaction. |
Presentment total unsettled | Specifies the available amount with currency to capture on the gateway in presentment currency. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid. |
Shop total unsettled | Specifies the available amount with currency to capture on the gateway in shop currency. Only available when an amount is capturable or manually mark as paid. |
The transaction fees charged on the order transaction. Only present for Shopify Payments transactions.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Amount | Amount of the fee. |
Flat fee | Flat rate charge for a transaction. |
Flat fee name | Name of the credit card flat fee. |
Rate | Percentage charge. |
Rate name | Name of the credit card rate. |
Tax amount | Tax amount charged on the fee. |
Type | Name of the type of fee. |
Summary of each dispute associated with the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Initiated as | The type that the dispute was initiated as. |
Status | The current status of the dispute. |
List of refunds that have been applied to the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | When the refund was created. |
Note | Note associated with the refund. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded across all the transactions for this refund in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded across all the transactions for this refund in shop currency. |
Updated at | When the refund was last updated. |
A list of returns for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Decline note | The notification message sent to the customer about their declined return request. |
Decline reason | The reason the customer's return request was declined. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the return. |
Status | The status of the return. |
Total quantity | The sum of all line item quantities for the return. |
The return line items attached to the return.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer note | A note from the customer that describes the item to be returned. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Presentment total price with code discounted | The total line price after all discounts on the line item in presentment currency. |
Quantity | The quantity being returned. |
Refundable quantity | The quantity that can be refunded. |
Refunded quantity | The quantity that was refunded. |
Return reason | The reason for returning the item. |
Return reason note | Additional information about the reason for the return. |
Shop total price with code discounted | The total line price after all discounts on the line item in shop currency. |
Total weight unit | The total weight unit of the item. |
Total weight value | The total weight value of the item. |
The taxes charged for the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment price | The amount of tax to be charged in presentment currency. |
Shop price | The amount of tax to be charged in shop currency. |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
Channel liable | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. |
Represents custom metadata attached to a resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
List of fulfillment orders.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Request status | The request status of the fulfillment order. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment order. |
Fulfill at | The date and time at which the fulfillment order will be fulfillable. |
Fulfill by | The latest date and time by which all items in the fulfillment order need to be fulfilled. |
Fulfillment holds reason | The reason for the fulfillment hold. |
Fulfillment holds reason notes | Additional information about the fulfillment hold reason. |
International duties incoterm | The method of duties payment. |
The fulfillment order's assigned location. This is the location where the fulfillment is expected to happen.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the address for the location. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address for the location. |
City | The city of the location. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the location. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Phone | The phone number of the location. |
Province | The province of the location. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the location. |
The location where the fulfillment is expected to happen. This value might be different from 'Fulfillment orders / Assigned location' if the location's attributes were updated after the fulfillment order was taken into work of canceled.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
The address of location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the address for the location. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address for the location. |
City | The city of the location. |
Country | The country of the location. |
Country code | The country code of the location. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the address for the location. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinates of the location. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinates of the location. |
Phone | The phone number of the location. |
Province | The province of the location. |
Province code | The code for the province, state, or district of the address of the location. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the location. |
Name of the service provider that fulfills from this location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
The delivery method used by a fulfillment order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Max delivery date time | The maximum date and time by which the delivery is expected to be completed. |
Method type | The type of the delivery method. |
Min delivery date time | The minimum date and time by which the delivery is expected to be completed. |
Represents the destination where the items should be sent upon fulfillment.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the address of the destination. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address of the destination. |
City | The city of the destination. |
Company | The company of the destination. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the destination. |
The email of the customer at the destination. | |
First name | The first name of the customer at the destination. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Last name | The last name of the customer at the destination. |
Phone | The phone number of the customer at the destination. |
Province | The province of the destination. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the destination. |
A list of the fulfillment order's line items.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Inventory item ID | The ID of the inventory item. |
Presentment original unit price | The variant unit price without discounts applied, in presentment currency. |
Product title | The title of the product. |
Remaining quantity | The number of units remaining to be fulfilled. |
Requires shipping | Whether physical shipping is required for the variant. |
Shop original unit price | The variant unit price without discounts applied, in shop currency. |
SKU | The variant SKU number. |
Total quantity | The total number of units to be fulfilled. |
Variant title | The name of the variant. |
Vendor | The name of the vendor who made the variant. |
Weight unit | The weight unit of a line item unit. |
Weight value | The weight value of a line item unit. |
The order risks associated with this order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Display | Whether the risk level is shown in the Shopify admin. If false, then this order risk is ignored when Shopify determines the overall risk level for the order. |
Level | The likelihood that an order is fraudulent, based on this order risk. The level can be set by Shopify risk analysis or by an app. |
Message | The risk message that's shown to the merchant in the Shopify admin. |
Primary address of the customer, which is shown on the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
An order represents an agreement to do business between a customer and a merchant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
Discount codes | The discount codes used for the order. |
Publication that created the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Name of the publication. |
Supports future publishing | Whether or not this publication supports future publishing. |
Mailing address for shipping provided by the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
A list of mailing addresses provided by the customers.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
Customer who placed the order. Not all orders have customers associated with them.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Display name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name values. If the first and last name are not available, then this falls back to the customer's email address, and if that is not available, the customer's phone number. |
Amount spent | The total amount that the customer has spent on orders in their lifetime. |
Can delete | Whether the merchant can delete the customer from their store. |
Created at | The date and time when the customer was added to the store. |
The customer's email address. | |
First name | The customer's first name. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant has added timeline comments about the customer on the customer's page. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image associated with the customer. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Last name | The customer's last name. |
Lifetime duration | The amount of time since the customer was first added to the store. |
Locale | The customer's locale. |
Multipass identifier | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. |
Note | A note about the customer. |
Phone | The customer's phone number. |
State | The state of the customer's account with the shop. |
Tax exempt | Whether the customer is exempt from being charged taxes on their orders. |
Updated at | The date and time when the customer was last updated. |
Valid email address | Whether the email address is formatted correctly. This does not guarantee that the email address actually exists. |
Verified email | Whether the customer has verified their email address. |
Number of orders | The number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. |
Custom information added to the order by your customer (Also referred to as note attributes).
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
The events preceding a customer order, such as shop sessions.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, or android-app:// |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
Description of the customer's experience with the store leading up to the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Customer order index | The position of the current order within the customer's order history. |
Days to conversion | The number of days between the first session and the order creation date. The first session represents the first session since the last order, or the first session within the 30 day attribution window, if more than 30 days have passed since the last order. |
Moments count | The total number of customer moments associated with this order. Returns null if the order is still in the process of being attributed. |
Ready | Whether or not the attributed sessions for the order have been created yet. |
The last session before an order is made.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, or android-app:// |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
The customer's first session going into the shop.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Landing page | URL of the first page the customer landed on for the session. |
Landing page HTML | Landing page information with URL linked in HTML. For example, the first page the customer visited was |
Occurred at | When the customer moment occurred. |
Referral code | Marketing referral code from the link that the customer clicked to visit the store. Supports the following URL attributes: ref, source, or r. For example, if the URL is, then this value is j2tj1tn2. |
Referral info HTML | Referral information with URLs linked in HTML. |
Referrer URL | Webpage where the customer clicked a link that sent them to the online store. For example, or android-app:// |
Source | Source from which the customer visited the store, such as a platform (Facebook, Google), email, direct, a website domain, QR code, or unknown. |
Source description | Describes the source explicitly for first or last session. |
Source type | Type of marketing tactic. |
List of the order's line items.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Name of the product. |
Presentment discounted total | The total line price after discounts in presentment currency. |
Shop discounted total | The total line price after discounts in shop currency. |
Presentment discounted unit price | The price of a single variant unit after line item discounts in presentment currency. |
Shop discounted unit price | The price of a single variant unit after line item discounts in shop currency. |
Fulfillable quantity | The total number of units to fulfill. |
Fulfillment status | The line item's fulfillment status. Returns 'fulfilled' if fulfillableQuantity >= quantity, 'partial' if fulfillableQuantity > 0, and 'unfulfilled' otherwise. |
Merchant editable | Whether the line item can be edited or not. |
Non fulfillable quantity | A count of the number of line items that cannot be fulfilled. |
Presentment original total | Total price (without discounts) of the line item, based on the original unit price of the variant x quantity in presentment currency. |
Shop original total | Total price (without discounts) of the line item, based on the original unit price of the variant x quantity in shop currency. |
Presentment original unit price | Variant price without any discounts in presentment currency. |
Shop original unit price | Variant price without any discounts in shop currency. |
Quantity | Number of variant items ordered. |
Refundable quantity | The line item's quantity minus its refunded quantity. |
Requires shipping | Whether physical shipping is required for the variant. |
Restockable | Whether the line item's variant has an ID and inventory is managed by Shopify. |
SKU | Variant SKU number. |
Taxable | Whether the variant is taxable. |
Title | Title of the product or variant (this field only applies to custom line items). |
Presentment total discount | The sum of all applied discounts on this line item in presentment currency. |
Shop total discount | The sum of all applied discounts on this line item in shop currency. |
Presentment unfulfilled discounted total | The total discounted value of unfulfilled units in presentment currency. |
Shop unfulfilled discounted total | The total discounted value of unfulfilled units in shop currency. |
Unfulfilled quantity | The number of units not yet fulfilled. |
Variant title | Name of the variant. |
Vendor | Name of the vendor who made the variant. |
The duties associated with the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Country code of origin | The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country of origin used in calculating the duty. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item used in calculating the duty. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Presentment price | The amount of the duty in presentment currency. |
Shop price | The amount of the duty in shop currency. |
A list of taxes charged on the duty.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Channel liable | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. |
Presentment price | The amount of tax in presentment currency after discounts and before returns. |
Rate | The proportion of the line item price that the tax represents as a decimal. |
Rate percentage | The proportion of the line item price that the tax represents as a percentage. |
Shop price | The amount of tax in shop currency after discounts and before returns. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
The image associated to the line item's variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. |
ID | A unique identifier for the image. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image as a URL. |
URL | The location of the image as a URL. |
The Variant object associated with the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
The inventory item, which is used to query for inventory information.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Country code of origin | The ISO code of the country of origin. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory item was created. |
Duplicate SKU count | The number of inventory items that share the same SKU with this item. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Inventory history URL | URL for inventory history web page. |
Locations count | The number of locations where this inventory item is stocked. |
Province code of origin | The ISO code of the province of origin. |
Requires shipping | Whether the item requires shipping or not. |
SKU | Inventory item SKU. |
Tracked | Whether the inventory quantities of inventory levels for the item are tracked or not. |
Tracked editable locked | Whether changes to the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Tracked editable reason | The reason the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Unit cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory item was updated. |
A list of the inventory item's quantities for each location that the inventory item can be stocked at.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Can deactivate | Whether Inventory deactivate is allowed for this inventory level. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory level was created. |
Deactivation alert | Reason why Can deactivate is false, or impact of deactivating the inventory level. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory level was updated. |
Quantities for the requested names.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Available quantity | The inventory that a merchant can sell. |
Available quantity updated at | When the available quantity was last updated. |
Committed quantity | The number of units that are part of a placed order but aren't fulfilled. |
Committed quantity updated at | When the committed quantity was last updated. |
Damaged quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable or usable due to damage. |
Damaged quantity updated at | When the damaged quantity was last updated. |
Incoming quantity | The inventory that’s on its way to a merchant's location. |
Incoming quantity updated at | When the incoming quantity was last updated |
On hand quantity | The total number of units that are physically at a location. |
On hand quantity updated at | When the on hand quantity was last updated. |
Quality control quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable because they're currently in inspection for quality purposes. |
Quality control quantity updated at | When the quality control quantity was last updated. |
Reserved quantity | The on-hand units that are temporarily set aside. |
Reserved quantity updated at | When the reserved quantity was last updated |
Safety stock quantity | The on-hand units that are set aside to help guard against overselling. |
Safety stock quantity updated at | When the safety stock quantity was last updated. |
The Tax Line object connected to the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
Channel liable | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. |
The Product object associated with the line item's variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. |
Created at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was created. |
Description | A stripped description of the product, single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. |
Gift card template suffix | The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. |
Has only default variant | Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. |
Has out of stock variants | Whether the product has out of stock variants. |
Is gift card | Whether the product is a gift card. |
Media count | Total count of media belonging to a product. |
Online store preview URL | The online store preview URL. |
Online store URL | The online store URL for the product. A value of null indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel. |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Product type | The product type specified by the merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published to the Online Store. |
Status | The product status. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Total inventory | The quantity of inventory in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants that are associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
The featured image for the product.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image. |
ID | A unique identifier for the image. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image as a URL. |
URL | The location of the image as a URL. |
The discounts that have been allocated onto the line item by discount applications.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment allocated amount | Money amount allocated by the discount application in presentment currency. |
Shop allocated amount | Money amount allocated by the discount application in shop currency. |
The discount application that the allocated amount originated from.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Allocation method | The method by which the discount's value is applied to its entitled items. |
Code | The string identifying the discount code that was used at the time of application. This field is present only in the discount code application. |
Description | The description of the discount application. This field is present only in the manual discount application. |
Discount type | Type of the allocated discount. Can be monetary or percentage. |
Index | An ordered index that can be used to identify the discount application and indicate the precedence of the discount application for calculations. |
Target selection | How the discount amount is distributed on the discounted lines. |
Target type | Whether the discount is applied on line items or shipping lines. |
Title | The title of the discount application. This field is absent in the discount code application. |
Type | Discount application type. |
Value | The value of the discount application. |
Service provider who fulfilled the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
List of additional information (metafields) about the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
Fulfillment service associated with the fulfillment.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
List of shipments for the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Human readable reference identifier for this fulfillment. |
Created at | The date and time when the fulfillment was created. |
Delivered at | The date that this fulfillment was delivered. |
Display status | Human readable display status for this fulfillment. |
Estimated delivery at | The estimated date that this fulfillment will arrive. |
In transit at | The date and time when the fulfillment went into transit. |
Requires shipping | Whether any of the line items in the fulfillment require shipping. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment. |
Total quantity | Sum of all line item quantities for the fulfillment. |
Updated at | The date and time when the fulfillment was last modified. |
The location that the fulfillment was processed at.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URL.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Company | The name of the tracking company. |
Number | The tracking number of the fulfillment. |
URL | The URLs to track the fulfillment. |
Inventory Items
Represents the goods available to be shipped to a customer. It holds essential information about the goods, including SKU and whether it is tracked.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
SKU | Inventory item SKU. |
Country code of origin | The ISO code of the country of origin. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory item was created. |
Duplicate SKU count | The number of inventory items that share the same SKU with this item. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item. |
Inventory history URL | URL for inventory history web page. |
Locations count | The number of locations where this inventory item is stocked. |
Province code of origin | The ISO code of the province of origin. |
Requires shipping | Whether the item requires shipping or not. |
Tracked | Whether the inventory quantities of inventory levels for the item are tracked or not. |
Tracked editable locked | Whether changes to the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Tracked editable reason | The reason the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Unit cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory item was updated. |
List of inventory levels for each location that the inventory item is stocked at.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Can deactivate | Whether Inventory deactivate is allowed for this inventory level. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory level was created. |
Deactivation alert | Reason why Can deactivate is false, or impact of deactivating the inventory level. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory level was updated. |
Location associated with the inventory level.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Quantities associated with the inventory level.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Available quantity | The inventory that a merchant can sell. |
Available quantity updated at | When the available quantity was last updated. |
Committed quantity | The number of units that are part of a placed order but aren't fulfilled. |
Committed quantity updated at | When the committed quantity was last updated. |
Damaged quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable or usable due to damage. |
Damaged quantity updated at | When the damaged quantity was last updated. |
Incoming quantity | The inventory that’s on its way to a merchant's location. |
Incoming quantity updated at | When the incoming quantity was last updated. |
On hand quantity | The total number of units that are physically at a location. |
On hand quantity updated at | When the on hand quantity was last updated. |
Quality control quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable because they're currently in inspection for quality purposes. |
Quality control quantity updated at | When the quality control quantity was last updated. |
Reserved quantity | The on-hand units that are temporarily set aside. |
Reserved quantity updated at | When the reserved quantity was last updated. |
Safety stock quantity | The on-hand units that are set aside to help guard against overselling. |
Safety stock quantity updated at | When the safety stock quantity was last updated. |
The variant that owns this inventory item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the featured image for the variant. |
Original image URL | The location of the original featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
Image ID | A unique identifier of the featured image for the variant. |
The product that this variant belongs to.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Created at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was created. |
Description | A stripped description of the product, single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. |
Gift card template suffix | The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. |
Has only default variant | Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. |
Has out of stock variants | Whether the product has out of stock variants. |
Highest variant's price | The highest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Is gift card | Whether the product is a gift card. |
Lowest variant's price | The lowest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
Media count | Total count of media belonging to a product. |
Online store preview URL | The online store preview URL. |
Online store URL | The online store URL for the product. A value of null indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Product type | The product type specified by the merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published to the Online Store. |
SEO description | SEO information description of the product. |
SEO title | SEO information title of the product. |
Status | The product status. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Total inventory | The quantity of inventory in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants that are associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
Product variants
List of the product variants.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Image ID | A unique identifier of the featured image for the variant. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the featured image for the variant. |
Original image URL | The location of the original featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a fulfillment service. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
A profile for multi-location, per-product delivery.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the delivery profile. |
Active method definitions count | The number of active shipping rates for the profile. |
Default | Whether this is the default profile. |
Legacy mode | Whether this shop has enabled legacy compatibility mode for delivery profiles. |
Locations without rates count | The number of locations without rates defined. |
Origin location count | The number of active origin locations for the profile. |
Product variants count | How many product variants are in this profile. |
Zone country count | The number of countries with active rates to deliver to. |
Represents a fulfillment service. A fulfillment service is a third-party service that prepares and ships orders on behalf of the store owner.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
The inventory item, which is used to query for inventory information.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
SKU | Inventory item SKU. |
Country code of origin | The ISO code of the country of origin. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory item was created. |
Duplicate SKU count | The number of inventory items that share the same SKU with this item. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item. |
Inventory history URL | URL for inventory history web page. |
Locations count | The number of locations where this inventory item is stocked. |
Province code of origin | The ISO code of the province of origin. |
Requires shipping | Whether the item requires shipping or not. |
Tracked | Whether the inventory quantities of inventory levels for the item are tracked or not. |
Tracked editable locked | Whether changes to the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Tracked editable reason | The reason the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Unit cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory item was updated. |
The product that this variant belongs to.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. |
Created at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was created. |
Description | A stripped description of the product, single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. |
Gift card template suffix | The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. |
Has only default variant | Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. |
Has out of stock variants | Whether the product has out of stock variants. |
Is gift card | Whether the product is a gift card. |
Media count | Total count of media belonging to a product. |
Online store preview URL | The online store preview URL. |
Online store URL | The online store URL for the product. A value of null indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel. |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Highest variant's price | The highest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
Lowest variant's price | The lowest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
Product type | The product type specified by the merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published to the Online Store. |
SEO title | SEO information title of the product. |
SEO description | SEO information description of the product. |
Status | The product status. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Total inventory | The quantity of inventory in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants that are associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
List of prices and compare-at prices in the presentment currencies for this shop.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Compare at price | The compare-at price of the variant with associated currency. |
Price | The price of the variant with associated currency. |
List of product options applied to the variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Name | The product option’s name. |
Value | The product option’s value. |
Represents custom metadata attached to a resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
Draft Orders
The current email marketing state for the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Consent updated at | The date and time at which the customer consented to receive marketing material by email. |
Marketing opt-in level | The marketing subscription opt-in level, as described by the M3AAWG best practices guidelines, that the customer gave when they consented to receive marketing material by email. |
Marketing state | The current email marketing state for the customer. |
Represents custom metadata attached to a resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
List of the draft orders.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the draft order, which is unique within the store. For example, #D1223. |
Completed at | Date and time when the draft order converted to a new order, and the draft order's status changed to Completed. |
Created at | Date and time when the draft order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | Three letter code for the currency of the store at the time that the invoice is sent. |
Email address of the customer, which is used to send notifications to. | |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant has added timeline comments to the draft order. |
Invoice sent at | Date and time when the invoice was last emailed to the customer. |
Invoice URL | Link to the checkout, which is sent to your customer in the invoice email. |
Note | Text from an optional note attached to the draft order. |
Ready | Whether or not the Draft Order is ready and can be completed. Draft Orders may have asynchronous operations that can take time to finish. |
Status | Status of the draft order. |
Subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping charges or shipping discounts, or taxes). |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the draft order. |
Tax exempt | Whether the draft order is tax exempt. |
Taxes included | Whether the line item prices include taxes. |
Total price | Total amount of the draft order (includes taxes, shipping charges, and discounts). |
Total shipping price | Total shipping charge for the draft order. |
Total tax | Total amount of taxes for the draft order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the draft order. |
Updated at | Date and time when the draft order was last changed. The format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (for example, 2016-02-05 17:04:01). |
The shipping address of the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
Order-level discount applied to the draft order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Amount | Amount of money discounted. |
Description | Description of the order-level discount. |
Title | Name of the order-level discount. |
Value | Amount of the order level discount (when Value type is percentage, the value in this field is the percentage discount). |
Value type | Type of the order-level discount. |
The billing address of the customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
First line | The first line of the address. Typically the street address or PO Box number. |
Second line | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
Full address | The first and the second line of the address. |
City | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
Company | The name of the customer's company or organization. |
Country | The name of the country. |
Country code | The two-letter code for the country of the address. |
First name | The first name of the customer. |
Formatted | A comma-separated list of the values for city, province, and country. |
Formatted area | A formatted version of the address, customized by the provided arguments. |
Last name | The last name of the customer. |
Latitude | The latitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Longitude | The longitude coordinate of the customer address. |
Name | The full name of the customer, based on the first and last name. |
Phone | A unique phone number for the customer. |
Province | The region of the address, such as the province, state, or district. |
Province code | The two-letter code for the region. |
Zip | The zip or postal code of the address. |
Total amount of taxes charged for each line item and shipping line.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Presentment price | The amount of tax to be charged in presentment currency. |
Shop price | The amount of tax to be charged in shop currency. |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
Channel liable | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. |
List of line items that contains the shipping costs.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Carrier identifier | A reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service. |
Code | A reference to the shipping method. |
Custom | Whether the shipping line is custom or not. |
Delivery category | The general classification of the delivery method. |
Presentment discounted price | The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in presentment currency. |
Shop discounted price | The pre-tax shipping price with discounts applied in shop currency. |
Presentment original price | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied in presentment currency. |
Shop original price | The pre-tax shipping price without any discounts applied in shop currency. |
Phone | The phone number at the shipping address. |
Shipping rate handle | A unique identifier for the shipping rate. The format can change without notice and is not meant to be shown to users. |
Source | Returns the rate source for the shipping line. |
Title | Returns the title of the shipping line. |
Order that was created from this draft order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
Customer who will be sent an invoice for the draft order, if there is one.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Display name | The full name of the customer, based on the values for the first and last name. If the the first and last name are not available, then this falls back to the customer's email address, and if that is not available, the customer's phone number. |
Amount spent | The total amount that the customer has spent on orders in their lifetime. |
Can delete | Whether the merchant can delete the customer from their store. |
Created at | The date and time when the customer was added to the store. |
The customer's email address. | |
First name | The customer's first name. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant has added timeline comments about the customer on the customer's page. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image associated with the customer. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the customer as a URL. |
Last name | The customer's last name. |
Lifetime duration | The amount of time since the customer was first added to the store. |
Locale | The customer's locale. |
Multipass identifier | A unique identifier for the customer that's used with Multipass login. |
Note | A note about the customer. |
Number of orders | The number of orders that the customer has made at the store in their lifetime. |
Phone | The customer's phone number. |
State | The state of the customer's account with the shop. |
Tax exempt | Whether the customer is exempt from being charged taxes on their orders. |
Updated at | The date and time when the customer was last updated. |
Valid email address | Whether the email address is formatted correctly. This does not guarantee that the email address actually exists. |
Verified email | Whether the customer has verified their email address. |
Custom information added to the draft order on behalf of your customer.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
List of the line items in the draft order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Name of the product. |
Custom | Whether this is a product variant line item, or a custom line item. If set to true indicates a custom line item. If set to false indicates a product variant line item. |
Discounted total | Line item price after discounts are applied. |
Discounted unit price | The discountedTotal divided by quantity, resulting in the value of the discount per unit. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the image associated with the draft order line item. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the draft order line item as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the draft order line item as a URL. |
Is gift card | Whether the line item represents the puchase of a gift card. |
Original total | Total price (without discounts) of the line item, based on the original unit price of the variant x quantity. |
Original unit price | Variant price without any discounts applied. |
Quantity | Number of variant items requested in the draft order. |
Requires shipping | Whether physical shipping is required for the variant. |
SKU | Variant SKU number. |
Taxable | Whether the variant is taxable. |
Title | Title of the product or variant (this field only applies to custom line items). |
Total discount | Total value of the discount applied to the line item. |
Variant title | Name of the variant. |
Vendor | Name of the vendor who made the variant. |
Weight | Weight value for a draft order line item. |
Weight unit | Weight unit for a draft order line item. |
The Variant object associated with the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
The TaxLine object connected to the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Rate | The tax rate to be applied. |
Rate percentage | The percentage of the price that the tax rate represents. |
Title | The name of the tax. |
Channel liable | Whether the channel that submitted the tax line is liable for remitting. |
The product corresponding to the line item’s product variant.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. |
Created at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was created. |
Description | A stripped description of the product, single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. |
Gift card template suffix | The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. |
Has only default variant | Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. |
Has out of stock variants | Whether the product has out of stock variants. |
Is gift card | Whether the product is a gift card. |
Media count | Total count of media belonging to a product. |
Online store preview URL | The online store preview URL. |
Online store URL | The online store URL for the product. A value of null indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel. |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Product type | The product type specified by the merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published to the Online Store. |
Status | The product status. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Total inventory | The quantity of inventory in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants that are associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
Discount which will be applied to the line item or the overall order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Amount | Amount of money discounted. |
Description | Description of the order-level discount. |
Title | Name of the order-level discount. |
Value | Amount of the order level discount (when Value type is percentage, the value in this field is the percentage discount). |
Value type | Type of the order-level discount. |
Name of the service provider who fulfilled the order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
List of additional information (metafields) about the line item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Key | Key or name of the attribute. |
Value | Value of the attribute. |
Tender transactions
List of tender transactions associated with the Shop. A tender transaction represents a transaction which modifies the shop's balance.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Amount | The amount and currency of the tender transaction. |
Payment method | Information about the payment method used for this transaction. |
Processed at | Date and time when the transaction was processed. |
Remote reference | The remote gateway reference associated with the tender transaction. |
Test | Whether the transaction is a test transaction. |
Information about the payment instrument used for transaction.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Credit card company | The name of the company that issued the customer's credit card. |
Credit card number | The customer's credit card number, with most of the leading digits redacted. |
Bank accounts
All bank accounts configured for the Shopify Payments account.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Account number last digits | The last digits of the account number (the rest is redacted). |
Bank name | The name of the bank. |
Country | The country of the bank. |
Created at | The date that the bank account was created. |
Currency | The currency of the bank account. |
Status | The status of the bank account. |
All current and previous payouts made between the account and the bank account.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Issued at | The exact time when the payout was issued. The payout only contains balance transactions that were available at this time. |
Net | The total amount and currency of the payout. |
Status | The transfer status of the payout. |
Transaction type | The direction of the payout. |
All disputes related to the Shopify Payments account.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Amount | The total amount disputed by the cardholder. |
Evidence due by | The deadline for evidence submission. |
Evidence sent on | The date when evidence was sent. Returns null if evidence has not yet been sent. |
Finalized on | The date when this dispute was resolved. Returns null if the dispute is not yet resolved. |
Initiated at | The date when this dispute was initiated. |
Status | The current state of the dispute. |
Type | Indicates if this dispute is still in the inquiry phase or has turned into a chargeback. |
The reason of the dispute.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Network reason code | The raw code provided by the payment network. |
Reason | The reason for the dispute provided by the cardholder's banks. |
The order that contains the charge that is under dispute.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | Discount code provided by the customer. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
Represents a code discount and its related events.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
The type of discount associated with the discount code.
Represents a code discount and its related events.Field | Description |
Represents a code discount and its related events.Field | Description |
Applies on one time purchase | Whether the discount applies on regular one-time-purchase shipping lines. |
Applies on subscription | Whether the discount applies on subscription shipping lines. |
Applies once per customer | Whether the discount can be applied only once per customer. |
Async usage count | The number of times that the discount has been used. |
Code count | The number of redeem codes for the discount. |
Combines with order discounts | Combines with order discounts. |
Combines with product discounts | Combines with product discounts. |
Combines with shipping discounts | Combines with shipping discounts. |
Created at | The date and time when the discount was created. |
Discount class | The class of the discount for combining purposes. |
Discount ID | The ID for the discount. |
Ends at | The date and time when the discount ends. |
Has timeline comment | Indicates whether there are any timeline comments on the discount. |
Maximum shipping price | The maximum shipping price amount accepted to qualify for the discount. |
Recurring cycle limit | The number of times a discount applies on recurring purchases (subscriptions). |
Short summary | A short summary of the discount. |
Starts at | The date and time when the discount starts. |
Status | The status of the discount. |
Summary | A detailed summary of the discount. |
Title | The title of the discount. |
Total sales | The total sales from orders where the discount was used. |
Type | The type of the discount. |
Updated at | The date and time when the discount was updated. |
Usage limit | The maximum number of times that the discount can be used. |
Uses per order limit | The maximum number of times that the discount can be applied to an order. |
A list of redeem codes for the discount.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Async usage count | The number of times that the discount redeem code has been used. |
Code | The code that a customer can use at checkout to receive a discount. |
URLs that can be used to share the discount.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Target type | The type of page that's associated with the URL. |
Title | The title of the page that's associated with the URL. |
URL | The URL for the discount code. |
All current and previous payouts made between the account and the bank account. Payouts represent the movement of money between a merchant's Shopify Payments balance and their bank account.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Issued at | The exact time when the payout was issued. The payout only contains balance transactions that were available at this time. |
Net | The total amount and currency of the payout. |
Status | The transfer status of the payout. |
Transaction type | The direction of the payout. |
The bank account for the payout.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Account number last digits | The last digits of the account number (the rest is redacted). |
Bank name | The name of the bank. |
Country | The country of the bank. |
Created at | The date that the bank account was created. |
Currency | The currency of the bank account. |
Status | The status of the bank account. |
List of product collections.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the collection. |
Description | The stripped description of the collection, in a single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the collection, complete with HTML formatting. |
Feedback summary | Information about the collection that's provided through resource feedback. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string for the collection. Automatically generated from the collection's title. |
Image ID | A unique identifier for the image associated with the collection. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of an image associated with the collection. |
Original image URL | The location of the original image associated with the collection as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed image associated with the collection as a URL. |
Products count | The number of products included in the collection. |
SEO description | SEO description for the collection. |
SEO title | SEO title for the collection. |
Sort order | The order in which the collection's products are sorted. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the collection. |
Template suffix | The theme template used when viewing this collection in a store. |
Updated at | The date and time when the collection was last modified. |
The set of rules that are used to determine which products are included in the collection. This applies only to smart collections.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Applied disjunctively | Whether products must match any or all of the rules to be included in the collection. If true, then products must match one or more of the rules to be included in the collection. If false, then products must match all of the rules to be included in the collection. |
The set of rules that are used to determine which products are included in the collection. This applies only to smart collections.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Column | The attribute that the rule focuses on (for example, title or product_type). |
Condition | The value that the operator is applied to (for example, Hats). |
Relation | The type of operator that the rule is based on (for example, equals, contains, or not_equals). |
A list of metafields that belong to the resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | A unique human-friendly string of the product's title. |
Created at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was created. |
Description | A stripped description of the product, single line with HTML tags removed. |
Description HTML | The description of the product, complete with HTML formatting. |
Gift card template suffix | The theme template used when viewing the gift card in a store. |
Has only default variant | Whether the product has only a single variant with the default option and value. |
Has out of stock variants | Whether the product has out of stock variants. |
Is gift card | Whether the product is a gift card. |
Media count | Total count of media belonging to a product. |
Online store preview URL | The online store preview URL. |
Online store URL | The online store URL for the product. A value of null indicates that the product is not published to the Online Store sales channel. |
Options | A list of custom product options (maximum of 3 per product). |
Highest variant's price | The highest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
Lowest variant's price | The lowest variant's price of the product formatted as decimals. |
Product type | The product type specified by the merchant. |
Published at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was published to the Online Store. |
SEO title | SEO information title of the product. |
SEO description | SEO information description of the product. |
Status | The product status. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags associated with the product. |
Theme template | The theme template used when viewing the product in a store. |
Title | The title of the product. |
Total inventory | The quantity of inventory in stock. |
Variants count | The number of variants that are associated with the product. |
Tracks inventory | Whether inventory tracking has been enabled for the product. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product was last modified. |
Vendor | The name of the product's vendor. |
A list of variants associated with the product.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Image ID | A unique identifier of the featured image for the variant. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the featured image for the variant. |
Original image URL | The location of the original featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
A list of metafields that belong to the resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
Represents the location where the physical good resides.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
The address of this location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the address for the location. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address for the location. |
City | The city of the location. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the location. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the address for the location. |
Latitude | The approximate latitude coordinates of the location. |
Longitude | The approximate longitude coordinates of the location. |
Phone | The phone number of the location. |
Province | The province of the location. |
Province code | The code for the province, state, or district of the address of the location. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the location. |
Name of the service provider that fulfills from this location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
A list of the quantities of the inventory items that can be stocked at this location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Can deactivate | Whether Inventory deactivate is allowed for this inventory level. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory level was created. |
Deactivation alert | Reason why Can deactivate is false, or impact of deactivating the inventory level. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory level was updated. |
Inventory item associated with the inventory level.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
SKU | Inventory item SKU. |
Country code of origin | The ISO code of the country of origin. |
Created at | The date and time when the inventory item was created. |
Duplicate SKU count | The number of inventory items that share the same SKU with this item. |
Harmonized system code | The harmonized system code of the item. |
Inventory history URL | URL for inventory history web page. |
Locations count | The number of locations where this inventory item is stocked. |
Province code of origin | The ISO code of the province of origin. |
Requires shipping | Whether the item requires shipping or not. |
Tracked | Whether the inventory quantities of inventory levels for the item are tracked or not. |
Tracked editable locked | Whether changes to the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Tracked editable reason | The reason the inventory item tracked attribute is locked for editing. |
Unit cost | Unit cost associated with the inventory item. |
Updated at | The date and time when the inventory item was updated. |
The variant that owns this inventory item.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Title | The title of the product variant. |
Available for sale | Whether the product variant is available for sale. |
Barcode | The value of the barcode associated with the product. |
Compare-at price | The compare-at price of the variant in the default shop currency. |
Created at | The date and time when the variant was created. |
Display name | Display name of the variant, based on product's title + variant's title. |
Image ID | A unique identifier of the featured image for the variant. |
Image alt text | A word or phrase to share the nature or contents of the featured image for the variant. |
Original image URL | The location of the original featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Transformed image URL | The location of the transformed featured image for the variant as a URL. |
Inventory policy | Whether customers are allowed to place an order for the product variant when it's out of stock. |
Inventory quantity | The total sellable quantity of the variant. |
Position | The order of the product variant in the list of product variants. The first position in the list is 1. |
Price | The price of the product variant in the default shop currency. |
SKU | An identifier for the product variant in the shop. Required in order to connect to a fulfillment service. |
Storefront ID | The storefront ID of the product variant. |
Tax code | The tax code for the product variant. |
Taxable | Whether a tax is charged when the product variant is sold. |
Updated at | The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the product variant was last modified. |
Weight | The weight of the product variant in the unit system specified with weight_unit. |
Weight unit | The unit of measurement that applies to the product variant's weight. |
Quantities for the requested names.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Available quantity | The inventory that a merchant can sell. |
Available quantity updated at | When the available quantity was last updated. |
Committed quantity | The number of units that are part of a placed order but aren't fulfilled. |
Committed quantity updated at | When the committed quantity was last updated. |
Damaged quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable or usable due to damage. |
Damaged quantity updated at | When the damaged quantity was last updated. |
Incoming quantity | The inventory that’s on its way to a merchant's location. |
Incoming quantity updated at | When the incoming quantity was last updated. |
On hand quantity | The total number of units that are physically at a location. |
On hand quantity updated at | When the on hand quantity was last updated. |
Quality control quantity | The on-hand units that aren't sellable because they're currently in inspection for quality purposes. |
Quality control quantity updated at | When the quality control quantity was last updated. |
Reserved quantity | The on-hand units that are temporarily set aside. |
Reserved quantity updated at | When the reserved quantity was last updated. |
Safety stock quantity | The on-hand units that are set aside to help guard against overselling. |
Safety stock quantity updated at | When the safety stock quantity was last updated. |
List of metafields that belong to the resource.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | The date and time when the metafield was created. |
Description | The description of a metafield. |
Key | The key name for a metafield. |
Namespace | The namespace for a metafield. |
Owner type | Owner type of a metafield visible to the Storefront API. |
Updated at | The date and time when the metafield was updated. |
Value | The value of a metafield. |
Type | The type of data that the metafield stores in the value field. |
List of suggested addresses for this location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the suggested address. |
Address 2 | The second line of the suggested address. |
City | The city of the suggested address. |
Country | The country of the suggested address. |
Country code | The country code of the suggested address. |
Formatted | A formatted version of the suggested address. |
Province | The province of the suggested address. |
Province code | The code for the province, state, or district of the suggested address. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the suggested address. |
Fulfillment orders
Represents either an item or a group of items in an Order that are expected to be fulfilled from the same location.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Created at | Date and time when the fulfillment order was created. |
Fulfill at | The date and time at which the fulfillment order will be fulfillable. |
Fulfill by | The latest date and time by which all items in the fulfillment order need to be fulfilled. |
Fulfillment holds held by | The name of the app or service that applied the fulfillment hold. |
Fulfillment holds reason | The reason for the fulfillment hold. |
Fulfillment holds reason notes | Additional information about the fulfillment hold reason. |
International duties incoterm | The method of duties payment. |
Request status | The request status of the fulfillment order. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment order. |
Updated at | The date and time when the fulfillment order was last updated. |
The fulfillment order's assigned location. This is the location where the fulfillment is expected to happen.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The first line of the address for the location. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address for the location. |
City | The city of the location. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the location. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Phone | The phone number of the location. |
Province | The province of the location. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the location. |
The delivery method used by a fulfillment order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Branded promise handle | The handle of the branded promise. For example: shop_promise. |
Branded promise name | The name of the branded promise. For example: Shop Promise. |
Max delivery date time | The latest delivery date and time when the fulfillment is expected to arrive at the buyer's location. |
Method type | The type of the delivery method. |
Min delivery date time | The earliest delivery date and time when the fulfillment is expected to arrive at the buyer's location. |
The destination where the items should be sent.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Address 1 | The first line of the address of the destination. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address of the destination. |
City | The city of the destination. |
Company | The company of the destination. |
Country code | The two-letter country code of the destination. |
The email of the customer at the destination. | |
First name | The first name of the customer at the destination. |
Last name | The last name of the customer at the destination. |
Phone | The phone number of the customer at the destination. |
Province | The province of the destination. |
ZIP | The ZIP code of the destination. |
A list of fulfillments for the fulfillment order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Human readable reference identifier for this fulfillment. |
Created at | The date and time when the fulfillment was created. |
Delivered at | The date that this fulfillment was delivered. |
Display status | Human readable display status for this fulfillment. |
Estimated delivery at | The estimated date that this fulfillment will arrive. |
In transit at | The date and time when the fulfillment went into transit. |
Requires shipping | Whether any of the line items in the fulfillment require shipping. |
Status | The status of the fulfillment. |
Total quantity | Sum of all line item quantities for the fulfillment. |
Updated at | The date and time when the fulfillment was last modified. |
The location that the fulfillment was processed at.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | The name of the location. |
Activatable | Whether this location can be reactivated. |
Address verified | Whether the location address has been verified. |
Deactivatable | Whether this location can be deactivated. |
Deactivated at | Date and time the location was deactivated (null if location is still active). Following UTC ISO8601 format, e.g.: "2019-04-24T13:42:24Z". |
Deletable | Whether this location can be deleted. |
Fulfills online orders | Indicates whether this location can fulfill online orders. |
Has active inventory | Indicates whether or not this location has active inventory. |
Has unfulfilled orders | Indicates whether or not this location has unfulfilled orders. |
Is active | Whether the location is active. |
Legacy resource ID | The ID of the corresponding resource in the REST Admin API. |
Ships inventory | Indicates whether or not this location is used for calculating shipping rates. |
The address at which the fulfillment occurred.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Address 1 | The street address of the fulfillment location. |
Address 2 | The second line of the address. Typically the number of the apartment, suite, or unit. |
City | The city in which the fulfillment location is located. |
Country code | The country code of the fulfillment location. |
Province code | The province code of the fulfillment location. |
ZIP | The zip code of the fulfillment location. |
Fulfillment service associated with the fulfillment.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Handle | Human-readable unique identifier for this fulfillment service. |
Callback URL | The callback URL the fulfillment service has registered for requests. |
Fulfillment orders opt-in | Whether the fulfillment service has opted into fulfillment order based requests. |
Inventory management | Whether the fulfillment service tracks product inventory and provides updates to Shopify. |
Permits SKU sharing | Whether the fulfillment service can stock inventory alongside other locations. |
Product based | Whether the fulfillment service supports local deliveries. |
Service name | The name of the fulfillment service as seen by merchants. |
Type | Type associated with the fulfillment service. |
Tracking information associated with the fulfillment, such as the tracking company, tracking number, and tracking URL.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
Company | The name of the tracking company. |
Number | The tracking number of the fulfillment. |
URL | The URLs to track the fulfillment. |
A list of the fulfillment order's line items.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Inventory item ID | The ID of the inventory item. |
Product title | The title of the product. |
Remaining quantity | The number of units remaining to be fulfilled. |
Requires shipping | Whether physical shipping is required for the variant. |
SKU | The variant SKU number. |
Total quantity | The total number of units to be fulfilled. |
Variant title | The name of the variant. |
Vendor | The name of the vendor who made the variant. |
Weight value | The weight value of a line item unit. |
Weight unit | The weight unit of a line item unit. |
The order that's associated with the fulfillment order.
Field | Description |
Field | Description |
ID | Globally unique identifier. |
Name | Unique identifier for the order that appears on the order. For example, #1000 or _Store1001. This value is not unique across multiple stores. |
Billing address matches the shipping address | Whether the billing address matches the shipping address. |
Can marked as paid | Whether the order can be manually marked as paid. |
Can notify customer | Whether notifications can be sent to the customer or not. |
Cancel reason | Reason the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Cancelled at | Date and time when the order was canceled. Returns null if the order wasn't canceled. |
Capturable | Whether payment for the order can be captured. Returns true when the customer's credit card has been authorized for payment and the authorization period has not expired. |
Presentment cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop cart discount | Amount of the order-level discount (does not contain any line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Client ip | The ip address of the client that is associated with this order. |
Closed | Whether the order is closed. |
Closed at | Date and time when the order closed. If the order is not closed, then this field is null. |
Confirmed | Whether inventory has been reserved for the order. |
Created at | Date and time when the order was created in Shopify. |
Currency code | The currency of the store at the time of the order. If payment hasn't occurred, then this field is null. |
Presentment current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Shop current cart discount | The amount of the order-level discount minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. This doesn't include line item discounts. |
Current subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in presentment currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Shop current subtotal price | The subtotal of line items and their discounts minus the line items that have been returned in shop currency. This includes order-level discounts, unless the argument with_cart_discount is set to false. This doesn't include shipping costs and shipping discounts. Taxes are not included unless the order is a taxes-included order. |
Presentment current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total discounts | The total amount discounted from the order (including order-level and line item discounts) minus the amounts for items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop current total duties | Total amount of duties for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total price | The total amount of the order (including taxes and discounts) minus the amounts for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Presentment current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in presentment currency. |
Shop current total tax | The total of all taxes applied to the order minus the taxes for line items that have been returned in shop currency. |
Current total weight | The total weight (grams) of the order minus the weights for line items that have been returned. |
Customer accepts marketing | Whether the customer agreed to receive marketing materials. |
Customer locale | A two-letter or three-letter language code, optionally followed by a region modifier. |
Discount code | The discount code used for the order. |
Discount codes | The discount codes used for the order. |
Display financial status | Financial status of the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's financial state and should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Display fulfillment status | Fulfillment status for the order that can be shown to the merchant. This field does not capture all the possible details of an order's fulfillment state. It should only be used for display summary purposes. |
Edited | Whether the order has had any edits applied or not. |
Email address provided by the customer. | |
Fulfillable | Whether there are items that can be fulfilled. After an order is completely fulfilled (or completely refunded without any fulfillments) then this field returns false. |
Fully paid | Whether the order has been paid in full. |
Has timeline comment | Whether the merchant added timeline comments to the order. |
Merchant editable | Whether the order can be edited or not. |
Presentment net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in presentment currency. |
Shop net payment | Net payment for the order, based on the total amount received - total amount refunded in shop currency. |
Note | Contents of the note associated with the order. |
Presentment original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in presentment currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Shop original total duties | Total amount of duties prior to any applied edits for the order in shop currency. If duties are not applicable, then this value is null. |
Presentment original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in presentment currency. |
Shop original total price | Total price of the order prior to any applied edits in shop currency. |
Payment gateways | List of all payment gateways used for the order. For example, authorize_net and Cash on Delivery (COD). |
Phone | Phone number provided by the customer. |
Presentment currency | The payment currency of the customer for this order. |
Processed at | Date and time when the order was processed. When orders are imported from an app, this date and time may not match the date and time when the order was created. |
Presentment refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in presentment currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Shop original refund discrepancy | The difference between suggested and actual refund amounts in shop currency. A positive value indicates a difference in the merchants favor and a negative value indicates a difference in the customers favor. |
Refundable | Whether the order can be refunded. |
Requires shipping | Whether any line item in the order requires physical shipping. |
Restockable | Whether the order can be restocked. |
Risk level | Fraud risk level of the order. |
Subtotal line items quantity | The sum of the quantities for the line items that contribute to the order's subtotal. |
Presentment subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop subtotal price | Subtotal of the line items and their discounts (does not contain shipping costs and shipping discounts) in shop currency. |
Tags | A comma separated list of tags that have been added to the order. |
Taxes included | Whether taxes are included in the subtotal price of the order. |
Test | Whether the order is a test. Test orders are made using the Shopify Bogus Gateway or a payment provider with test mode enabled. |
Presentment total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in presentment currency. |
Shop total capturable | Amount authorized for the order, that is uncaptured or undercaptured in shop currency. |
Presentment total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total discounts | Total amount discounted from the order (includes order-level and line item discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total outstanding | Total amount of money not yet authorized for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in presentment currency. |
Shop total price | Total amount of the order (includes taxes and discounts) in shop currency. |
Presentment total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in presentment currency |
Shop total received | Total amount received by the customer for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded | Total amount refunded for the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in presentment currency. |
Shop total refunded shipping | Total amount refunded for shipping in shop currency. |
Presentment total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in presentment currency |
Shop total shipping price | Total amount charged for shipping the order in shop currency. |
Presentment total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in presentment currency. |
Shop total tax | Total of all taxes applied to the order in shop currency. |
Total tip received | Total tip amount received for the order. |
Total weight | Total weight (grams) of the order. |
Unpaid | Whether no payments have been made for the order. If no payments have been made for the order, then this returns true. |
Updated at | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
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