About Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud

About Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud

Both Jira and Git are tools for project management, originally created for software development purposes, but have grown quite popular amongst other business branches. While Jira is mostly aimed at easing the communication between development teams and end-users or testers, Git repositories also allow storing code and elements of any IT products in a Cloud. 

As you can see, Git applications and Jira have been created for the same task, which is project management but handles different aspects of it. If you’ve only been using one before, you might have missed out on the functionality that the other one offers. Or, alternatively, you could switch between them, but that can be rather time-consuming and take precious time out of your workday.

It’s thus clear that it will be more effective to use both at the same time. With Smart Git Integration for Jira app from Alpha Serve, it is now possible to easily connect these tools and enjoy both of their functionalities. You can add all of your Git repositories to Jira.


Check out the benefits of Jira and Git integration here.

Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud is FREE for small teams up to 10 users.


What does Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud do?

Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud allows you to integrate your Git and Jira projects, and to manage your Git projects directly from Jira.


Who finds Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud useful?

Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud will be useful for teams that manage projects in Jira and develop in Git. The app allows not to switch between windows and to have all branched at hand in the relevant Jira task or issue.

For teams and developers working in multiple Git repositories it would be extremely useful.


Why using Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud?

Smart Git Integration for Jira is a simple solution to integrate Git and Jira projects and use a single tool to work with both of them.

Git and Jira integration with Smart Git Integration for Jira app will improve the quality of your office communication and eliminate the need to switch from Git codes to Jira tickets all of the time.

Users will see references to Jira’s data directly in their Git issues and be able to pull requests depending on what tickets they’re working on. 

This will lead to easier messaging and straightforward branch distribution.


Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud Key Features:


  1. Quick configuration

Select provider from the list, add the repository name, and a personal access token or username/password (depends on Git Provider) and start work.

If you’re working with multiple Git repositories, use the mass repository management option.


2. Use Smart Git Jira issue page

See all information about commits and branches, merge branches on Issue side panel with direct links leading to Git Provider site.

Create branches and pull requests directly in Jira issues without switching to repositories.


3. Side-by-side code comparison

See what has been changed or merged in each branch. View source code with diffs directly in Jira.



How you can benefit from using Smart Git Integration for Jira Cloud?

  • Increase your team effectiveness by working in a single environment and tool.

  • Integrate extra major tools to get most of both of them.

  • Make your DevOps cycle faster and take dev collaboration to a new level.

  • Pull requests depending on what tickets you're working on. 


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