Data Source Creating Page
Below you can find a description of the fields, buttons, and settings of data source creating page:
General settings
Name* - This field allows you to enter the name of your data source. The field is required.
Description - This field allows you to enter description for your data source. These might be some hints you might need in the future. This field is optional.
Share settings
These settings allow you to share your data source with users or groups who have permission to use Looker Studio Connector.
Users - This setting allows you to share your data source with users. You can select as many individual users as you need to. The user can searched by login or full email.
Groups - This setting allows you to share your data source with groups. You can select as many groups as you want to.
Other users who have access to Looker Studio Connector for Jira app might not get all data from this data source due to different Jira permissions.
Jira Work Management Issue Filters Settings
This settings allow you to apply different filter group to custom your data source.
Filter: No filters
This filter returns all data and it’s selected by default. Keep this option if you want to export all existing issues.
Filter: JQL
This filer allows you to search for issues, projects, etc. in Jira and pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for. Select this option if you want to create your own request and filter data.
For more information and syntax help, please read this article.
Filter: Basic
This filter allows you to set up standard fields filter. Select the Basic filter option, and then select Issue filter.
Select Issue Filters
Projects - This field allows you to select the project you want to set up this filters for
Issue types - This field allows you to select the issue types to be included in your data source (For example: Tasks, Subtasks, Bugs, etc.)
Statuses - This field allows you to select statuses of issues to be included in you data source (For example: Open, In Progress, Closed, etc.)
Created from and Create to - These fields allow you to set up time intervals in which the issue was created.
Update from and Update to - These fields allow you to set up time intervals in which the issue was updated.
Apply - This button saves you filters set up.
Cancel - Use this button if you no longer want to set up filters.
Search and View Settings
Search Section
The Search box - This box allows you to quickly find, and then add to your export issue filters you need.
The amount of found issue filters will be shown on the each tab you have.
Configure View
Configure view - This settings allows you to adjust the appearance of the issues. You can select what option to display: Show IDs or Show types. The Show names option is a default. All options can be selected at once.
The screenshot presents how the options are displayed in the UI, using matching colors.
Select Filters Section
This settings allow you to select or cancel selecting of filters. This page displays all fields and tables you can export.
The upper ribbon displays Jira and other plug-ins you have.
This very screenshot display only Jira options, but it can also include Xray, Time in Status, Prokectrak, Zephyr Scale, etc.
The list of filters and plug-ins is determined by your current Jira edition and add-ons.
Save and Preview Section
After creating and editing your data source, you can select one of the following options what to do with it.
Save - This option creates your new data source or update if you edit already-existing data source.
Preview -This option allows you to check the source name, source description, issue filters, and export items.
Preview ERD - This option allows you to view the Entity Relationship Diagram for your Connector support data source, which is generated based on the checkboxes you have selected before.
This screenshot displays how the Preview button works. Once you select it, the pop-up window will appear with the view of your data source, so you can check of if all changes are correct.
This screenshot displays how the Preview ERD button works. Once you select it, the pop-up window will appear with the view of an Entity Relationship Diagram for tables and fields selected in the data source.
Additional Features
All these settings are applied to already existing data sources.
Copy - This button copies the data source URL to the clipboard.
Open in Looker Studio ↗ - This button will automatically redirect you to the Looker Studio page and enter your data source link there.
The Actions (three dots) panel introduces you different actions:
Edit - This button allows you to make changes to the data source.
Delete - This button allows you to remove the data source.
Share - This button allows you to distribute the data source to users who have permission to use this app.
Archive - This button allows you to mark data source as archived, data source will be moved to the Archived tab.
Clone - This button allows you to make a copy of the data source.
Preview ERD - This button allows you to view the Entity Relationship Diagram for a data source.
How to View Entity Relationship Diagram
Looker Studio Connector for Jira automatically builds relations between tables and fields in Looker Studio. When you upload your Jira data into Looker Studio, all tables will be connected in relations based on the logical key field. Thus, users don’t need to relate tables, which is time-consuming manually.
You can preview ERD while creating a data source to ensure that the application's relations will be correctly built. To do this, you can use one of the options below.
During data source creation, click the Preview ERD button below, before you save the data source.
You can view ERD during creating data source, using the Preview ERD button as it was described in the Save and Preview Section.
When the data source is created, you can click on the Preview ERD option from the Actions list on the right menu on the selected data source.
You will see the ERD for the selected data source.
How to Change the Owner of the Datasource
Power BI Connector for Jira allows a change of owner for the data sources. In this case, the person who created the data source will no longer see this data source in his/her list, but the data source will appear in another user's list.
The new owner can see, edit, delete and share the data source.
To change the selected data source owner:
Click on the selected user name in the Owner column
Select new user, you wish to give ownership to the data source, from the shown Users list
In the Change owner dialog check the message and click Save
How to Share the Data Source with Other Users
Jira user who has created the data source can share it with other Jira users and/or user groups having permissions to work with Power BI Connector for Jira, granted by the Jira admin.
Go to the right menu of the data source you need to distribute and click Share.
Select users and/or user groups you wish to share the data source with, then click Share.
When you’re done, the users will see this data source in the Shared with me tab. Admin user can see all created by other users data source on Share with me tab
How to View the Data Sources History
Go to Administration → Data Sources History. It displays all changes performed to the data sources by all users, such as creating, editing the fields or filters, sharing, changing owner, etc.
How to View the Export History
Go to Administration → select Export History. It displays all data related to the export process: ID, User name, Data source id, Tables count, Rows count etc. Also to filters by Statuses and Dates can help to find specific data.