SSO enabled. While internal Jira users are able to authenticate on Power BI Desktop, SSO users are receiving authentication errors. Try solution.
Wrong credentials. During the first connection, wrong credentials were provided and saved for Data Source. Try solution.
Captcha at Jira’s side. A rare case that may arise after several unsuccessful attempts to access the Data Source from Power BI Desktop providing the wrong password. Try solution.
How to fix the “Access to the resource is forbidden” error
There are some options to resolve the problem. Some of them can be performed only by Jira Administrator.
Create a local Jira user account, grant this user permission to work with the connector. Afterward, SSO users can create connectors from their usual Jira accounts and share them with that local users' accounts and use the local user's credentials for exporting Jira data into Power BI Desktop. Please note that all data can be exported according to Jira permission schemes.
Install “API Tokens for Jira” or "API Token Authentication Jira" apps. Creating and using Authentication Tokens resolves the issue with the “Access to the resource is forbidden” error.
Use Jira Personal Access Tokens to connect. Jira Personal Access Tokens can be created by users under the users' Profile and can be used instead of the password while connecting via the OData feed under the Basic authorization option. Please note: username should be left empty while using this connection option.
How to fix the “Access to the resource is forbidden” error if wrong credentials were provided?