Case 1. Export specific sprint data from Sprint Reports table
Sequence of actions
Select a specific board and sprint in the Software filters block.
2. Select required fields.
3. Save data source and export data.
Case 2. Export Board Issues with low priority on a specific board.
Sequence of actions
Select a specific board in the Software filters block.
2. Enter correspondent JQL in the local filter.
3. Select required fields.
4. Save data source and export data.
Case 3. Export 2 specific sprints (for the last month) from the Sprint Reports table and all sprints of a specific board from the Sprints table to build a report.
Sequence of actions
Select a specific board and sprints in the Software filters block.
2. Deactivate Sprints filter for Sprints table.
3. Select required fields.
4. Save data source and export data.