Web Data Connector: Schedule a Refresh on Tableau Server

Before you run the connector on Tableau Server, you should approve it.
Note: You must be a server administrator to approve Web Data Connector for use on Tableau Server.

Web Data Connectors require approval because they make requests to Jira. Before a user can use a Web Data Connector with Tableau Server, you must add the domain and port used by the connector to a safe list and also include the domains that a connector can send requests to and receive requests from on a secondary safe list.

When you add a connector to the safe lists, you configure Tableau Server to allow connections to a particular URL where the connector is hosted and from a URL that the connector can query. This is the only way to allow Tableau Server to run Web Data Connectors.


Add Connectors to The Safe List


  • Open Terminal, and then execute the following 2 commands:

tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "Source Name" --url https://YourJiraDomainName.com/plugins/servlet/tableau 


tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "Source Name" --url https://YourJiraDomainName.com:443/plugins/servlet/tableau 


where "Source Name" is the exact name of your data source and YourJiraDomainName.com is the name of your Jira domain.

For example, if the data source name is Jira Sprint Report and the domain name is myownwebsite.com, the command will be the following:

tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "Jira Sprint Report" --url https://myownwebsite.com/plugins/servlet/tableau 


tsm data-access web-data-connectors add -n "Jira Sprint Report" --url https://myownwebsite.com:443/plugins/servlet/tableau 


It’s required to enclose the source name in straight quotes (" and '). If the name contains a space, use double quotes.

For example: ‘Report' or “Jira Report”.


  • To allow Web Data Connector extract refreshes, execute the command:

tsm data-access web-data-connectors allow


  • To apply changes, execute the command:

tsm pending-changes apply

After running any commands that make changes to Web Data Connectors, you have to apply those pending changes.

As pending changes require a server restart, the command above (for applying pending changes) will trigger a prompt, notifying your of the restart.


  • To view the list of all Web Data Connectors on the safe list, execute the following command:

tsm data-access web-data-connectors list