Installation Guide

Installation Guide

Zendesk Administrator role is required to follow the instructions on this page. You can learn more about this here. However, each user must authorize the app with OAuth by themselves.

How to Install Power BI Connector for Zendesk


Select plan.gif


  1. Select the desired plan, and then select Free trial.


  1. Select the account to install Power BI Connector for Zendesk, and then select Install.


  1. [Optonal] You can change your plan if you’d like to.

  2. [Optional] In the Title* field, enter the desired name for the application.

By default, it’s Power BI Connector by Alpha Serve. You can keep it.

  1. [Optonal] Enable role restrictions and group restrictions.

By default, all roles and groups have access to the app. If you’d like only specific roles or groups to have app access enable restrictions.



  1. Fill in the billing details, and then select Proceed to payment.


  1. Check if the provided information is correct, and then select Start trial.



  1. Go back to the home page, select Power BI Connector, and then select Connect Power BI Connector for Zendesk application.


How to Uninstall or Disable Power BI Connector for Zendesk


  1. Being signed in to your Zendesk account, select Admin.


  1. Select Go to Admin Center.


  1. Expand Apps and integrations, and then select Zendesk Support apps.


  1. Find Power BI Connector, select , and then Disable or Uninstall.




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