User Guide

User Guide

To be able to access Mail Me, it should be configured as enabled to the certain project you’re working with or to all projects in the system. If you don’t see the Mail Me button in the issue or task, please contact your Jira Administrator.
Jira Administrators can always access Mail Me configurations.

Sharing an issue or task by email


Step 1. Find a relevant issue/task.

You can do it with the help of filters, Issue tab in the main menu, or directly from your dashboard.


Step 2. Click on the Mail Me button on the issue panel as shown on the screen. Or you can find Mail Me in the More section.


Step 3. Manage the information in the issue/task and send an email:

  1. Recipients — you can either choose from Jira users, groups, issue roles (i.e. assignee) or insert external user email directly. Please note: if you add more than 100 recipients, the app will send separate emails for each group of 100 recipients. E.g. if you select 250 recipients, Mail Me will send 3 emails: 1 to the first 100 recipients, 2nd to the next 100 and the 3d for the remaining 50.

  2. Copy recipients — if you want to put anyone in a copy.

  3. Blind recipients ability to make the mail invisible to chosen addresses.

  4. Choose relevant Email template in order to quickly format or restrict information in an email. Normally Mail Me will use a default template that includes the most relevant issue information.

  5. Choose the desired email display format (Template format) (HTML or Text).

  6. If needed, leave your comments on the issue/task which you want to share.

  7. Select Add as an issue comment checkbox to add your comment to the issue after sending a mail. Note that images as issue attachments would be included.

  8. Original issue attachments are added to email by default. You can remove them from email, if needed. You can also attach other files and documents.

  9. Press Preview to check the email final form.

  10. Press Send to send your email to the recipients.

The resulting email should look like this:

Sharing the issue with original comments


To send the issue with all it’s comments, follow the same 1-2 steps as described above: find the relevant issue, click Mail Me. In the editing window select Template - Default with issue comments. Edit the email, if needed and press Send.


The resulting email should look like this:


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