How to work with Commits

How to work with Commits

Make Commit

Here we are making commit in GitHub, but we support several git providers and it should make no difference to you.

Just commit changes as usual and we will do all the rest.

  1. Make sure that repository you are committing to is registered in the system. Administrator of your Jira instance is able to provide this information.

  2. In order to link Git commit and Jira Issue, commit message should contain Issue key.

  3. Number of lines changed in all files of this commit will be displayed in Commits Activity panel on Jira Issue page.

Issue Page after sync

As you can see, our commit was synced automatically and now is displayed on Issue page. If it is still empty please wait a little bit as it might not have been synced yet.

If it's still empty, please check whether commit message actually contains Issue key. It is situated at the top, right after project name. It contains capital letters only with number after the '-' symbol.

If key is correct and git data is still not synced, repository might not be registered in the system. In this case please contact your administrator. 

As you can see Git status side panel now shows that repository has 1 commit linked to this Issue.


  1. Avatar of committer if it is possible to retrieve it.

  2. User name.

  3. Time of commit in explicit format.

  4. Repository of commit.

  5. Branches.

  6. Short SHA name.

  7. Files changed in this commit with diff information.

  8. Open popup with an explicit diff of the commit.

To look at your commits and branches click on Open Git Commits in Git Commits status windows

  1. Open Git Commits - link to the commits and branches.

As you can see Git status side panel now shows that the repository has commits linked to this Issue.

  1. Git Commits.

  2. You can click on this button to get more information in a popup window.

  3. Branches connected to this Issue.

  4. Time of the most recent commit.

  5. Time of the most recent branches.

  6. Branches that merged to master.

  7. Branches status.

Explicit Commit Diff

This is committed diff popup which shows explicit information about changes in particular file of this commit. 

  1. Commit message.

  2. Explicit commit diff of particular file.

  3. Commit.

For looking changes you can use Side By Side options:


Commits popup

Commits popup is made to provide more information about commit, such as time when it was made or direct link to Git provider site.

Additionally you can see all changed files of commit with diffs and link to this file in commit on provider site.

  1. Commit author’s avatar.

  2. Repository name as a link to Git Provider site.

  3. Commit SHA as a link to its page on Git Provider site.

  4. Short commit message.

  5. Time when this commit was made.

  6. Button to unfold files changed in this commit.

  7. Show all the files.

How to create a branch for this Issue on Git Provider site

  1. Make sure that the repository you are creating a branch in is registered in the system. The administrator of your Jira instance is able to provide this information.

  2. In order to link branch to Jira Issue, the branch name has to contain the Issue key. It doesn’t have to be Issue key exclusively, just to be somewhere in the branch name.


Commits popup after update

Please note that commit message doesn’t have to contain Jira Issue key exclusively and may have other symbols. The App will still detect it.

  1. This button shows changed files for all commits.

  2. Commits are updated and “Latest” shows time of the latest one.