Projectrak Overview

Projectrak is an app for Jira that helps store information about Jira projects. Basically, this app provides a series of preconfigured fields organized within a layout, adds properties for your projects, such as status, delivery date, or priority, to better track them, and visualizes your project portfolio in one place, which allows you to track the project information you need to control without further configuration, and creating Jira Dashboards for multiple projects.

Therefore, adding it as a data source to your SQL database will ease the project portfolio visualization with just a glance and facilitate further Jira data processing.

The Projectrak fields are located in the Projectrak tab.

Supported Add-Ons - Projectrak.gif

How to Add Projectrak API Key


Projectrak API Key is required to export the Projectrak tables.

Projectrak API Key is required to export the Projectrak tables.

  1. Being signed in to Jira Cloud instance, select Apps, and then select Projectrak - Projectrak navigator.

  1. In the upper-right side of the page, select three dots, and then select API integrations.

  1. Select Create API key.


The Create API key pop-up window will appear.

The Create API key pop-up window will appear.

  1. In the Name* field, enter the desired API key name, and then select Save.

The API key has been created window will appear. Make sure to copy the API key and its ID before closing the window. You won’t be able to see the API key and its ID again.

  1. Copy the API key ID and API key, and then select Close.

  1. Go back to Apps, and then select SQL Connector for Jira.

  1. On the left-side menu, select Tokens, and then select the Projectrak tab.

  1. Paste the API key ID and API key to the corresponding fields.

  2. Select the Validate & Save button.

Starting now, all users with granted permission to work with the data sources can select Projectrak tables and fields for export.