This documentation is dedicated to our customers who are considering moving their Jira core data from Data Center/Server to Cloud and is intended to give them information on migrating their app data.

Checklist for Jira On-the-Fly is available in Cloud. You can try it free at the Atlassian Marketplace or check the product documentation here.

At the moment Checklist for Jira On-the-Fly Cloud does not have the same capabilities that are present in Checklist for Jira On-the-Fly Server/Data Center.

This is explained by the general differences between the platforms (technical) and different user experiences (behavioral). 

There is no automated migration from server to cloud available at the moment. We are working hard on this. As this is a complicated process, it will take some time and will not be coming too soon.

Here the difference of Cloud and Server/Dc versions of Checklist for Jira On-the-Fly app:

(tick) available

(minus) not available

(blue star) in development and/or on our product roadmap

App Feature

Server / Data Center


Create a checklist directly on a particular Issue page



Change the item’s position



Create and use templates



Edit existing checklists



Create custom statuses



Track the percentage of completion



Edit checklist in the Bulk edit menu

(tick) Change the items and statuses, correlate the status symbol and the status icon

(tick) Change the items and statuses, correlate the status symbol and the status icon

(blue star) Mark item's text as link, get a formatting help, insert emoji, insert data, toggle the item(s)

Create a task and subtask from the item

(tick) Create a subtask from the item

(blue star) Create a task from the item

(blue star) (blue star)

Enable/ disable checklist for a particular project in Jira



Add several checklists simultaneously


(blue star)

Set a header for the each checklist



Copy checklist

(blue star)

(blue star)

Toggle checklist items

(blue star)

(blue star)

Share private template with list of users/groups

(blue star)

(blue star)

Android support

(blue star)

(blue star)

Import recipients and groups from a custom text field

(blue star)

(blue star)

Toggle a separator

(blue star)

(blue star)

Filter tasks by items text/incomplete items/any items

(blue star)

(blue star)

Control the overall workflow

(blue star) Get the changes of item’s statuses by the email

(blue star) Get the changes of item’s statuses by the email

Use filters to find quickly needed parameter

(tick) By project name or key, project lead, Checklist status

(tick) By project name or key, project lead, Checklist status

Feel free to contact our support team if you need any kind of assistance using one of the following means:

(blue star) Email us at: