Xray app allows users to manage all tests as Jira issues, monitor tests coverage and analyse test statuses. When building Jira reporting in BI software such as Microsoft Power BI, it is important to have this data to bring consistency in business analytics.
The main part of Xray integration is already done, but our developers are still working on adding new Xray data, which will be released very soon.
Power BI Connector for Jira Cloud allows to export Xray app data easily from Jira to Power BI.
Xray Test Management Fields can be found in a separate tab:
Test Specification includes the following concepts: Tests, Preconditions, TestSets, TestPlans, TestExecutions. These are, in general, Jira issues with the corresponding IssueType. Thus, they can contain all Jira fields, including custom fields.
Test Execution includes TestRuns. TestRun contains a snapshot of the test data at its execution time (as the test specification may change in the future).
The Xray plugin adds 3 custom fields: StartDate, EndDate, Revision.
They are mostly used during TestExecution and mean when to start executing tests and documentation version. Also, in the tests context, such standard Jira fields as Summary, Description, Assignee, FixVersions, Components, issue links, etc. These fields may be of interest for reports and dashboards, and are recommended to be included into the datasource. They can be found here:
Jira Work Management ->Issues -> IssueComponents, IssueFixVersions, IssueLinks, CustomFields