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Table of Contents

Data Sources History Overview

Data Sources History was implemented as a separate page that can be found via navigator.

  • Only users with an admin role can access the Data Sources History page, namely ServiceNow [admin] and TABLEAU ADMIN.

  • Non-admin users - TABLEAU EDITOR and TBLEAU VIEWER - don’t have access to view the Data Sources History page. However, all their actions with the data source will be logged in the Data Sources History table.


The feature is available in version 1.0.21 (or higher) of Tableau Connector.


The Data Source History table contains records of all actions made to the data sources.


Actions Description

The following table describes operations that can be performed with the data source.

Action Name



The action is triggered when a data source is created. The resulting page is static and contains data of the creation moment only, and this data will not be altered after the next modifications.

Data Source Configuration Change

The action is triggered when any of the following fields are set, changed, or removed:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Rows Limit

  • Use field labels for column names

  • Disable editing for other users

  • Allow Groups to Edit

  • Duration in seconds


The action is triggered when a data source is deleted. The resulting page is static and contains data of deletion moment only, and this data will not be altered after the next modifications.

Fields Add

The action is triggered when either general or reference fields are added.

Fields Change

The action is triggered when the Use display value option is changed for fields, including reference fields.

Fields Delete

The action is triggered when either general or reference fields are deleted.

Filter Change

The action is triggered when the filter string is set, changed, or removed. This action generates a separate entry for each saved change and for each table.

OData Link Click

The action is is triggered when the OData URL is copied from the portal.

Table Add

The action is is triggered when a table or database view is added.

Table Delete

The action is triggered when a table or database view is deleted.

Data Sources History Table Columns Description

Default Columns

Additional Columns

By default, the Data Sources History table has the following columns:

  • Action

  • Data Source

  • Data Source Name

  • Data Source Configuration Fields

  • Fields, Filters

  • Reference Fields

  • Table

  • User


The Data Sources History table can be configured by selecting the Personalize List option.

Personalize list.gif

Default Columns




The column shows the name of an action performed with a data source. See Actions Description.

Data Source

The referenced field on the Data Sources page corresponds to the current data source. Navigating to it will open the data source page.


The value “(empty)” is setwhen data source has been deleted

Data Source Name

The static text column used to specify the name of a data source in a particular action moment.

Data Source Configuration Fields

The column contains a list of configuration fields that have been changed:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Rows Limit

  • Use field labels for column names

  • Disable editing for other users

  • Allow Groups to Edit

  • Duration in seconds


The field will be empty if no changes have been made.


The column shows the fields of a particular table that have been changed (e.g. added, deleted, or changed their use display value).


The field will be empty if no changes have been made to fields.


The column shows the modified filter string for a specific table.


The field will be empty if no changes have been made.

Reference Fields

The column shows the Reference Fields for a particular table that have been changed (e.g. added, deleted, or changed their use display value).


The field will be empty if no changes have been made. For Table Add and Table Delete action where no fields are present, the field will display [].


The column displays the name of the table for which changes were made. The Data Source [x_acsof_tableau_data_source] is set for all actions not related to changes with tables or fields.


The column indicates the user who triggered the action, in other words, who made changes.

Additional Columns




The column shows the date when action was triggered (created).

Data Source URL

The column displays the OData link of the edited data source.

Created by

The column indicates the user who triggered the action, which is also represented by the User field.

Export Config

The column contains the full export configuration of the current source, and it’s filled only for Created and Delete actions.


The column shows the date when an action row was manually updated in the tab;es, exclusively from the backend.

Updated by

The column displays the name of the user who updated the action row from the table, exclusively from the backend. By default, it’s Created by.


The column shows the number of rows that have been updated, with a default value of 0.


The column represents the system SN field and is empty by default.

Use Case Description

➡️ A user creates a data source with the following data source configuration and export configuration.


The corresponding record appears in the Data Sources History table.

  • Action: Create → It means a data source has been created.

  • Data Source: Use Case Description → This is the referenced field on the Data Sources page that corresponds to the current data source.

  • Created: 02/04/2024 03:02:00 → These are the date and time when the data source has been created. The format is the following: dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm/ss.

  • Data Source Name: Use Case Description → This is the actual data source name.

  • Data Source Configuration Fields: {"Data Source Owner":"Liubov Topchyi ","Duration In Seconds":"false","Use field labels for column names":"false"… → This is the configuration that has been selected by the user during data source creation.

  • Table: Data Source [x_acsof_tableau_data_source] → This value is set when actions are not related to changes with tables or fields. During the data source creation, the user just selected tables and fields and didn’t make any changes.

  • User: Liubov Topchyi → This is the user name who performed the action.


If you select the Create action (from the previous screen), you can see the detailed description of the Data Source History record. In particular, in the Export Config field, you can see what table and fields have been selected.


➡️ The user then has added one more table with its fields.


After this, one more record appears in the Data Source History table.

  • Action: Table Add → It means the user has added an extra table to the data source.

  • Data Source: Use Case Description → This is the referenced field on the Data Sources page that corresponds to the current data source.

  • Created: 02/04/2024 03:39:34 → These are the date and time when the data source has been created. The format is the following: dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm/ss.

  • Data Source Name: Use Case Description → This is the actual data source name.

  • Table: Activity Event [sys_activity] → This is the name of the table that has been added by the user.

  • Fields: [{"name":"sys_created_on","displayValue":false}… → This is a list of fields that have been added by the user.

  • Reference Fields: [] → This value is set when the added table does not include any reference fields. See the Default Fields section.

  • User: Liubov Topchyi → This is the user name who performed the action.


➡️ Another user decided to export this data source using the OData link.


Another record appears in the Data Sources History table.

  • Action: OData Link Click → It means that the user has clicked Copy OData URL.

  • Data Source: Use Case Description → This is the referenced field on the Data Sources page that corresponds to the current data source.

  • Created: 02/04/2024 04:10:50 → These are the date and time when the data source has been created. The format is the following: dd/mm/yyyy hh/mm/ss.

  • Data Source Name: Use Case Description → This is the actual data source name.

  • Table: Data Source [x_acsof_tableau_data_source] → This value is set when actions are not related to changes with tables or fields.

  • User: Lilli Belward → This is the user name who performed the action.


Useful Tips

How to Find Deleted Data Source

  • In the Action Search field, enter Delete.


  • You will see a list of all deleted data sources. Here you can find the required data source by its name.


  • If you don’t remember the name, you can compare the deleted data source URL and URL in your Tableau Software.


How to View Data Source History for Particular Data Source

  1. Find the required data source.

  2. Under the Data Source field, select its name.


  1. Scroll down and you will records for a particular data source.


How to Clear Data Sources History for Specific Data Source


Starting with version 1.1.3 of Tableau Connector for ServiceNow, you can clear data sources history.

  1. Via Navigator, find and select Data Sources History (under Tableau Connector).


  1. Find and select the data source you need.

tableau-select-data-sources-history (1).gif

  1. Select Clear Data Source History.


  1. Select Start Date and End Date, and then select Submit.


How to Clear Data Sources History in Bulk


  1. Via Navigator, find and select Data Sources History (under Tableau Connector).


  1. Select entities of Data Sources History you need.


It might be entities of a single data source or of multiples data sources.


  1. Select Actions on selected rows, and then select Delete.


  1. Select Delete.
