Versions Compared


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  • All - This filter returns all data and it’s selected by default. Keep this option if you want to export all existing issues.

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  • Select by JQL - This filter allows you to search for issues, projects, etc. in Jira and pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for. Select this option if you want to create your own request and filter data.


For more information and syntax help, please refer to this article.

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→ Basic filter: Select issue filters

  • Basic - This filter allows you to set up standard fields filter.

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    • Projects - This field allows you to filter issues by project. Select the projects you need.

    • Boards - This field allows you to filter issues by boards. Select the boards you need.

    • Statuses - This field allows you to filter issues by their statuses (e.g. To Do, In Progress, Done, etc.)

    • Issue Types - This field allows you to filter issues by their types (e.g. Epic, Story, Task, Bug, etc.)

    • Assignee

    • Users - This field allows you to filter issues by assignee users.

    • Reporter

    • Users - This field allows you to filter issues by reporter users.

    From and To - These fields allow
    • Updated date - This field allows you to filter issues by selecting the specific period when the issues were updated

    .Statuses - This field allows you to filter issues by their statuses (e.g
    • .

    To Do, In Progress, Done, etc.)

If you apply the filter by Projects, you will get all the issues from this project. If you apply the filter by Boards, you will get all issues linked to the selected board via JQL. If you apply filters by Projects and Boards, you will get combined resulting data from both filters.

If you add filters by Issue Type or Statuses, your resulting data will be reduced to the selected types or/and statuses only.

The Issue Types and Statuses filters display only relevant fields to the selected project or board.

If you apply the filter by Projects, you can only select the Issues Type and Statuses that are included in the selected project.


If there are any custom fields, they will be shown in the Issue Custom Field section.

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  • Issue Issues limit - This field allows you to set a maximum number of issues to export. Leave the field blank for no limit.


If the Jira Administrator sets the issue limit, a user will see an alert message.

  • Export timeout - This field allows you to set export timeout per 1 table in minutes. Leave the field blank for no timeout.

  • Filter History By Field fields - This filter allows you to filter exported data by histories for a certain field.

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