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Table of Contents

Tempo Planner Overview

To be able to analyse Tempo apps data is necessary for the company owners to ensure making informed and timely decisions. That’s why it is important to integrate all Tempo plugins with business intelligence tools such as Oracle Analytics, and Oracle Analytics Connector for Jira is the proper solution for such integration.


Learn more about Tempo apps data analytics on Tempo blog.


Tempo Planner fields can be found in the Tempo tab.

Supported Add-Ons - Tempo.gif

How to Add Tempo Client ID

Tempo Client ID is required to view and export the Tempo Planner data.

  1. Being signed in to your Jira Cloud instance, select Apps, and then select Oracle Analytics Connector for Jira.

  1. On the left-side menu, select Tokens, select Tempo, and then copy the redirect URL.

  1. Select Apps, and then select Tempo.


For your convenience, open Tempo in a new tab. To do it, right-click on Tempo, and then select Open link in new tab.

  1. Select ⚙️.

  1. Scroll down, select OAuth 2.0 Applications, and then select + New Application.

  1. In the Name field, enter any name you’d like.

In our case, it’s Oracle Connector, you can select any other name.

  1. In the Redirect URLs, field, paste the redirect URL.


The redirect URL for this form was copied in step 2.

  1. In the Client type field, select Public.

  2. In the Authorization grant type, select Authorization code.

  3. Select Create Application.

The Credentials pop-up window will appear.

  1. Copy the client ID and client secret, and then close the window.

  1. Go back to Oracle Analytics Connector, select Tokens, and then the Tempo tab.

  1. Paste your client ID and client secret to the corresponding fields, and then select Validate & Save.

  1. Select Authorize Access.


The Success! message will appear.

Select Onwards!


Starting now, all users with granted permission to work with the data sources can select Tempo and Tempo Cost Tracker tables and fields for export.

Tempo Tables Overview

Table Name

Table Fields References

Tempo Teams

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Tempo Team Members

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Tempo Team Projects

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Tempo Accounts

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Tempo Account Projects

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Tempo Work Attributes

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Tempo Worklogs


Tempo Worklogs are exported together with Jira Issue Worklogs. You can find it under the Jira Work Management tab.


Check also how worklogs dates are exported.

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Tempo Work Log Work Attributes

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Tempo Plans

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Tempo Programs

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Tempo Holiday Schemes

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Tempo Holidays

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Tempo Workloads

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Tempo Timesheet Reviewers

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Tempo Timesheet Approvals

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