Jira Administrator can view all email logs sent via Mail Me app.
To see the logs, please follow the next steps:
Step 1. Go to the Jira Administration tab Navigation bar and select Apps section. Open - Mail Me app.
Step 2. Select Email Log tab on the left side menu.
Step 3. You can filter emails and see the details:
You can use our prompts and descriptions:
Filter section - if you want to see only specific emails, filter them by author, issue, text in subject, attachment name, text in body, time of sending, recipients, email format or status.
Filter button - to confirm your choice of filters above.
Reset button - undo any filter choices.
Logs panel - details about sent emails, including author, issue, recipients' names, subject, attachments number, success status, date and more info.
Open email - to view the entire email, as shown below: