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How to install Connect Canva
forwith Jira Cloud?
Step 1. Go to the Jira Cloud Find new apps section.
Step 2. Enter “Canva for “Connect Canva with Jira”in the search field, press Enter, and find the application in the search result.
Click Try it free.
Step 3. In the opened window confirm the app installation by clicking Start free trial.
You’ll be notified about successful installation.
You can also install Connect Canva for with Jira Cloud directly from Atlassian Marketplace by visiting the application product pagehere.
How to uninstall or disable Connect Canva
forwith Jira?
Step 1. Go to the Jira Cloud Manage apps section.
Step 2. In the Manage apps section
To find the add-on in your list, type
“Connect Canva with Jira”in the search field
Expand Connect Canva
with Jira by clicking on it
Click Stop trial button to stop the trial. In opened window confirm that you’d like to unsubscribe to end app functionality.
Step 3. Now you can Uninstall the app completely by clicking Uninstall button. Also, you can resume your trial by clicking the Free trial button.
Note! Uninstalling the app permanently removes it from your application and file system. If you only want to temporarily stop the trial, you can just Stop the Trial for your instance without complete uninstallation.